
444 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2013-05-02 18:11:33 +02:00
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:noet
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import os
import vim
except ImportError:
vim = {} # NOQA
from powerline.bindings.vim import vim_get_func, getbufvar
from powerline.theme import requires_segment_info
from powerline.lib import add_divider_highlight_group
from powerline.lib.vcs import guess
from powerline.lib.humanize_bytes import humanize_bytes
from powerline.lib.threaded import KwThreadedSegment, with_docstring
from powerline.lib import wraps_saveargs as wraps
from collections import defaultdict
vim_funcs = {
'virtcol': vim_get_func('virtcol', rettype=int),
'fnamemodify': vim_get_func('fnamemodify', rettype=str),
'expand': vim_get_func('expand', rettype=str),
'bufnr': vim_get_func('bufnr', rettype=int),
'line2byte': vim_get_func('line2byte', rettype=int),
vim_modes = {
'n': 'NORMAL',
'no': 'N·OPER',
'v': 'VISUAL',
'V': 'V·LINE',
'^V': 'V·BLCK',
's': 'SELECT',
'S': 'S·LINE',
'^S': 'S·BLCK',
'i': 'INSERT',
'Rv': 'V·RPLCE',
'c': 'COMMND',
'cv': 'VIM EX',
'ce': 'EX',
'r': 'PROMPT',
'rm': 'MORE',
'r?': 'CONFIRM',
'!': 'SHELL',
eventfuncs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
bufeventfuncs = defaultdict(lambda: [])
defined_events = set()
def purgeonevents_reg(func, events, is_buffer_event=False):
if is_buffer_event:
cureventfuncs = bufeventfuncs
cureventfuncs = eventfuncs
for event in events:
if event not in defined_events:
vim.eval('PowerlineRegisterCachePurgerEvent("' + event + '")')
def launchevent(event):
global eventfuncs
global bufeventfuncs
for func in eventfuncs[event]:
if bufeventfuncs[event]:
buffer = vim.buffers[int(vim_funcs['expand']('<abuf>')) - 1]
for func in bufeventfuncs[event]:
# TODO Remove cache when needed
def window_cached(func):
cache = {}
def ret(segment_info, **kwargs):
window_id = segment_info['window_id']
if segment_info['mode'] == 'nc':
return cache.get(window_id)
r = func(**kwargs)
cache[window_id] = r
return r
return ret
def mode(pl, segment_info, override=None):
'''Return the current vim mode.
:param dict override:
dict for overriding default mode strings, e.g. ``{ 'n': 'NORM' }``
mode = segment_info['mode']
if mode == 'nc':
return None
if not override:
return vim_modes[mode]
return override[mode]
except KeyError:
return vim_modes[mode]
def modified_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='+'):
'''Return a file modified indicator.
:param string text:
text to display if the current buffer is modified
return text if int(getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&modified')) else None
def paste_indicator(pl, segment_info, text='PASTE'):
'''Return a paste mode indicator.
:param string text:
text to display if paste mode is enabled
return text if int(vim.eval('&paste')) else None
def readonly_indicator(pl, segment_info, text=''):
'''Return a read-only indicator.
:param string text:
text to display if the current buffer is read-only
return text if int(getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&readonly')) else None
def file_directory(pl, segment_info, shorten_user=True, shorten_cwd=True, shorten_home=False):
'''Return file directory (head component of the file path).
:param bool shorten_user:
shorten ``$HOME`` directory to :file:`~/`
:param bool shorten_cwd:
shorten current directory to :file:`./`
:param bool shorten_home:
shorten all directories in :file:`/home/` to :file:`~user/` instead of :file:`/home/user/`.
name = segment_info['buffer'].name
if not name:
return None
file_directory = vim_funcs['fnamemodify'](name, (':~' if shorten_user else '')
+ (':.' if shorten_cwd else '') + ':h')
if shorten_home and file_directory.startswith('/home/'):
file_directory = '~' + file_directory[6:]
return file_directory + os.sep if file_directory else None
def file_name(pl, segment_info, display_no_file=False, no_file_text='[No file]'):
'''Return file name (tail component of the file path).
:param bool display_no_file:
display a string if the buffer is missing a file name
:param str no_file_text:
the string to display if the buffer is missing a file name
Highlight groups used: ``file_name_no_file`` or ``file_name``, ``file_name``.
name = segment_info['buffer'].name
if not name:
if display_no_file:
return [{
'contents': no_file_text,
'highlight_group': ['file_name_no_file', 'file_name'],
return None
file_name = vim_funcs['fnamemodify'](name, ':~:.:t').decode('utf-8')
2013-05-02 18:11:33 +02:00
return file_name
def file_size(pl, suffix='B', si_prefix=False):
'''Return file size in &encoding.
:param str suffix:
string appended to the file size
:param bool si_prefix:
use SI prefix, e.g. MB instead of MiB
:return: file size or None if the file isn't saved or if the size is too big to fit in a number
# Note: returns file size in &encoding, not in &fileencoding. But returned
# size is updated immediately; and it is valid for any buffer
file_size = vim_funcs['line2byte'](len(vim.current.buffer) + 1) - 1
return humanize_bytes(file_size, suffix, si_prefix)
def file_format(pl, segment_info):
'''Return file format (i.e. line ending type).
:return: file format or None if unknown or missing file format
Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
return getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&fileformat') or None
def file_encoding(pl, segment_info):
'''Return file encoding/character set.
:return: file encoding/character set or None if unknown or missing file encoding
Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
return getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&fileencoding') or None
def file_type(pl, segment_info):
'''Return file type.
:return: file type or None if unknown file type
Divider highlight group used: ``background:divider``.
return getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&filetype') or None
def line_percent(pl, segment_info, gradient=False):
'''Return the cursor position in the file as a percentage.
:param bool gradient:
highlight the percentage with a color gradient (by default a green to red gradient)
Highlight groups used: ``line_percent_gradient`` (gradient), ``line_percent``.
line_current = segment_info['window'].cursor[0]
line_last = len(segment_info['buffer'])
percentage = line_current * 100.0 / line_last
if not gradient:
return str(int(round(percentage)))
return [{
'contents': str(int(round(percentage))),
'highlight_group': ['line_percent_gradient', 'line_percent'],
'gradient_level': percentage,
def line_current(pl, segment_info):
'''Return the current cursor line.'''
return str(segment_info['window'].cursor[0])
def col_current(pl, segment_info):
'''Return the current cursor column.
return str(segment_info['window'].cursor[1] + 1)
# TODO Add &textwidth-based gradient
def virtcol_current(pl, gradient=True):
'''Return current visual column with concealed characters ingored
:param bool gradient:
Determines whether it should show textwidth-based gradient (gradient level is ``virtcol * 100 / textwidth``).
Highlight groups used: ``virtcol_current_gradient`` (gradient), ``virtcol_current`` or ``col_current``.
col = vim_funcs['virtcol']('.')
r = [{'contents': str(col), 'highlight_group': ['virtcol_current', 'col_current']}]
if gradient:
textwidth = int(getbufvar('%', '&textwidth'))
r[-1]['gradient_level'] = min(col * 100 / textwidth, 100) if textwidth else 0
r[-1]['highlight_group'].insert(0, 'virtcol_current_gradient')
return r
def modified_buffers(pl, text='+ ', join_str=','):
'''Return a comma-separated list of modified buffers.
:param str text:
text to display before the modified buffer list
:param str join_str:
string to use for joining the modified buffer list
buffer_len = vim_funcs['bufnr']('$')
buffer_mod = [str(bufnr) for bufnr in range(1, buffer_len + 1) if int(getbufvar(bufnr, '&modified') or 0)]
if buffer_mod:
return text + join_str.join(buffer_mod)
return None
class KwWindowThreadedSegment(KwThreadedSegment):
def set_state(self, **kwargs):
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
for window in
buffer = window.buffer
kwargs['segment_info'] = {'bufnr': buffer.number, 'buffer': buffer}
super(KwWindowThreadedSegment, self).set_state(**kwargs)
class RepositorySegment(KwWindowThreadedSegment):
def __init__(self):
super(RepositorySegment, self).__init__()
self.directories = {}
def key(segment_info, **kwargs):
# FIXME os.getcwd() is not a proper variant for non-current buffers
return segment_info['buffer'].name or os.getcwd()
def update(self, *args):
# .compute_state() is running only in this method, and only in one
# thread, thus operations with .directories do not need write locks
# (.render() method is not using .directories). If this is changed
# .directories needs redesigning
return super(RepositorySegment, self).update(*args)
def compute_state(self, path):
repo = guess(path=path)
if repo:
if in self.directories:
return self.directories[]
r = self.process_repo(repo)
self.directories[] = r
return r
class RepositoryStatusSegment(RepositorySegment):
interval = 2
def process_repo(repo):
return repo.status()
repository_status = with_docstring(RepositoryStatusSegment(),
'''Return the status for the current repo.''')
class BranchSegment(RepositorySegment):
interval = 0.2
started_repository_status = False
def process_repo(repo):
return repo.branch()
def render_one(self, branch, segment_info, status_colors=False, **kwargs):
if not branch:
return None
if status_colors:
self.started_repository_status = True
return [{
'contents': branch,
'highlight_group': (['branch_dirty' if repository_status(segment_info=segment_info, **kwargs) else 'branch_clean']
if status_colors else []) + ['branch'],
'divider_highlight_group': 'branch:divider',
def startup(self, status_colors=False, **kwargs):
super(BranchSegment, self).startup(**kwargs)
if status_colors:
self.started_repository_status = True
def shutdown(self):
if self.started_repository_status:
super(BranchSegment, self).shutdown()
branch = with_docstring(BranchSegment(),
'''Return the current working branch.
:param bool status_colors:
determines whether repository status will be used to determine highlighting. Default: False.
Highlight groups used: ``branch_clean``, ``branch_dirty``, ``branch``.
Divider highlight group used: ``branch:divider``.
class FileVCSStatusSegment(KwWindowThreadedSegment):
interval = 0.2
def key(segment_info, **kwargs):
name = segment_info['buffer'].name
skip = not (name and (not getbufvar(segment_info['bufnr'], '&buftype')))
return name, skip
def compute_state(key):
name, skip = key
if not skip:
repo = guess(path=name)
if repo:
status = repo.status(os.path.relpath(name,
if not status:
return None
status = status.strip()
ret = []
for status in status:
'contents': status,
'highlight_group': ['file_vcs_status_' + status, 'file_vcs_status'],
return ret
return None
file_vcs_status = with_docstring(FileVCSStatusSegment(),
'''Return the VCS status for this buffer.
Highlight groups used: ``file_vcs_status``.