from __future__ import with_statement from _compatibility import exec_function import re import tokenize import sys import os import time import parsing import builtin import debug import evaluate import settings import imports class Module(builtin.CachedModule): """ Manages all files, that are parsed and caches them. :param path: The module path of the file. :param source: The source code of the file. """ def __init__(self, path, source): super(Module, self).__init__(path=path) self.source = source self._line_cache = None def _get_source(self): """ Just one time """ s = self.source del self.source # memory efficiency return s class ModuleWithCursor(Module): """ Manages all files, that are parsed and caches them. Important are the params source and path, one of them has to be there. :param source: The source code of the file. :param path: The module path of the file or None. :param position: The position, the user is currently in. Only important \ for the main file. """ def __init__(self, path, source, position): super(ModuleWithCursor, self).__init__(path, source) self.position = position # this two are only used, because there is no nonlocal in Python 2 self._line_temp = None self._relevant_temp = None self.source = source self._part_parser = None @property def parser(self): """ get the parser lazy """ if not self._parser: try: ts, parser = builtin.CachedModule.cache[self.path] imports.invalidate_star_import_cache(parser.module) del builtin.CachedModule.cache[self.path] except KeyError: pass # Call the parser already here, because it will be used anyways. # Also, the position is here important (which will not be used by # default), therefore fill the cache here. self._parser = parsing.PyFuzzyParser(self.source, self.path, self.position) if self.path is not None: builtin.CachedModule.cache[self.path] = time.time(), \ self._parser return self._parser def get_path_until_cursor(self): """ Get the path under the cursor. """ result = self._get_path_until_cursor() self._start_cursor_pos = self._line_temp + 1, self._column_temp return result def _get_path_until_cursor(self, start_pos=None): def fetch_line(): line = self.get_line(self._line_temp) if self._is_first: self._is_first = False self._line_length = self._column_temp line = line[:self._column_temp] else: self._line_length = len(line) line = line + '\n' # add lines with a backslash at the end while 1: self._line_temp -= 1 last_line = self.get_line(self._line_temp) if last_line and last_line[-1] == '\\': line = last_line[:-1] + ' ' + line else: break return line[::-1] self._is_first = True if start_pos is None: self._line_temp = self.position[0] self._column_temp = self.position[1] else: self._line_temp, self._column_temp = start_pos open_brackets = ['(', '[', '{'] close_brackets = [')', ']', '}'] gen = tokenize.generate_tokens(fetch_line) string = '' level = 0 force_point = False try: for token_type, tok, start, end, line in gen: #print 'tok', token_type, tok, force_point if level > 0: if tok in close_brackets: level += 1 if tok in open_brackets: level -= 1 elif tok == '.': force_point = False elif force_point: # it is reversed, therefore a number is getting recognized # as a floating point number if token_type == tokenize.NUMBER and tok[0] == '.': force_point = False else: break elif tok in close_brackets: level += 1 elif token_type in [tokenize.NAME, tokenize.STRING]: force_point = True elif token_type == tokenize.NUMBER: pass else: break self._column_temp = self._line_length - end[1] string += tok except tokenize.TokenError: debug.warning("Tokenize couldn't finish", sys.exc_info) return string[::-1] def get_path_under_cursor(self): """ Return the path under the cursor. If there is a rest of the path left, it will be added to the stuff before it. """ line = self.get_line(self.position[0]) after ="[\w\d]*", line[self.position[1]:]).group(0) return self.get_path_until_cursor() + after def get_operator_under_cursor(self): line = self.get_line(self.position[0]) after = re.match("[^\w\s]+", line[self.position[1]:]) before = re.match("[^\w\s]+", line[:self.position[1]][::-1]) return ( if before is not None else '') \ + ( if after is not None else '') def get_context(self): pos = self._start_cursor_pos while pos > (1, 0): # remove non important white space line = self.get_line(pos[0]) while pos[1] > 0 and line[pos[1] - 1].isspace(): pos = pos[0], pos[1] - 1 try: yield self._get_path_until_cursor(start_pos=pos) except StopIteration: yield '' pos = self._line_temp, self._column_temp while True: yield '' def get_line(self, line_nr): if not self._line_cache: self._line_cache = self.source.split('\n') if line_nr == 0: # This is a fix for the zeroth line. We need a newline there, for # the backwards parser. return '' if line_nr < 0: raise StopIteration() try: return self._line_cache[line_nr - 1] except IndexError: raise StopIteration() def get_part_parser(self): """ Returns a parser that contains only part of the source code. This exists only because of performance reasons. """ if self._part_parser: return self._part_parser # TODO check for docstrings length = settings.part_line_length offset = max(self.position[0] - length, 0) s = '\n'.join(self.source.split('\n')[offset:offset + length]) self._part_parser = parsing.PyFuzzyParser(s, self.path, self.position, line_offset=offset) return self._part_parser @evaluate.memoize_default([]) def sys_path_with_modifications(module): def execute_code(code): c = "import os; from os.path import *; result=%s" variables = {'__file__': module.path} try: exec_function(c % code, variables) except Exception: debug.warning('sys path detected, but failed to evaluate') return None try: res = variables['result'] if isinstance(res, str): return os.path.abspath(res) else: return None except KeyError: return None def check_module(module): try: possible_stmts = module.used_names['path'] except KeyError: return builtin.get_sys_path() sys_path = list(builtin.get_sys_path()) # copy for p in possible_stmts: try: call = p.get_assignment_calls().get_only_subelement() except AttributeError: continue n = if not isinstance(n, parsing.Name) or len(n.names) != 3: continue if n.names[:2] != ('sys', 'path'): continue array_cmd = n.names[2] if call.execution is None: continue exe = call.execution if not (array_cmd == 'insert' and len(exe) == 2 or array_cmd == 'append' and len(exe) == 1): continue if array_cmd == 'insert': exe_type, exe.type = exe.type, parsing.Array.NOARRAY exe_pop = exe.values.pop(0) res = execute_code(exe.get_code()) if res is not None: sys_path.insert(0, res) debug.dbg('sys path inserted: %s' % res) exe.type = exe_type exe.values.insert(0, exe_pop) elif array_cmd == 'append': res = execute_code(exe.get_code()) if res is not None: sys_path.append(res) debug.dbg('sys path added: %s' % res) return sys_path if module.path is None: return [] # support for modules without a path is intentionally bad. curdir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir) try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(module.path)) except OSError: pass result = check_module(module) result += detect_django_path(module.path) # cleanup, back to old directory os.chdir(curdir) return result def detect_django_path(module_path): """ Detects the path of the very well known Django library (if used) """ result = [] while True: new = os.path.dirname(module_path) # If the module_path doesn't change anymore, we're finished -> / if new == module_path: break else: module_path = new try: with open(module_path + os.path.sep + ''): debug.dbg('Found django path: %s' % module_path) result.append(module_path) except IOError: pass return result