from __future__ import with_statement from _compatibility import exec_function, is_py3k import re import sys import os if is_py3k: import io import types import inspect import debug import parsing import imports import evaluate def get_sys_path(): def check_virtual_env(sys_path): """ Add virtualenv's site-packages to the `sys.path`.""" venv = os.getenv('VIRTUAL_ENV') if not venv: return venv = os.path.abspath(venv) p = os.path.join( venv, 'lib', 'python%d.%d' % sys.version_info[:2], 'site-packages') sys_path.insert(0, p) p = sys.path[1:] check_virtual_env(p) return p class CachedModule(object): """ The base type for all modules, which is not to be confused with `parsing.Module`. Caching happens here. """ cache = {} def __init__(self, path=None, name=None): self.path = path and os.path.abspath(path) = name self._parser = None @property def parser(self): """ get the parser lazy """ if not self._parser: try: timestamp, parser = self.cache[self.path or] if not self.path or os.path.getmtime(self.path) <= timestamp: self._parser = parser else: # In case there is already a module cached and this module # has to be reparsed, we also need to invalidate the import # caches. imports.invalidate_star_import_cache(parser.module) raise KeyError() except KeyError: self._load_module() return self._parser def _get_source(self): raise NotImplementedError() def _load_module(self): source = self._get_source() self._parser = parsing.PyFuzzyParser(source, self.path or p_time = None if not self.path else os.path.getmtime(self.path) if self.path or self.cache[self.path or] = p_time, self._parser class Parser(CachedModule): """ This module is a parser for all builtin modules, which are programmed in C/C++. It should also work on third party modules. It can be instantiated with either a path or a name of the module. The path is important for third party modules. :param name: The name of the module. :param path: The path of the module. :param sys_path: The sys.path, which is can be customizable. """ map_types = { 'floating point number': '0.0', 'string': '""', 'str': '""', 'character': '"a"', 'integer': '0', 'int': '0', 'dictionary': '{}', 'list': '[]', 'file object': 'file("")', # TODO things like dbg: ('not working', 'tuple of integers') } if is_py3k: map_types['file object'] = 'import io; return io.TextIOWrapper()' module_cache = {} def __init__(self, path=None, name=None, sys_path=None): if sys_path is None: sys_path = get_sys_path() if not name: name = os.path.basename(path) name = name.rpartition('.')[0] # cut file type (normally .so) super(Parser, self).__init__(path=path, name=name) self.sys_path = list(sys_path) self._module = None @property def module(self): def load_module(name, path): if path: self.sys_path.insert(0, path) temp, sys.path = sys.path, self.sys_path content = {} try: exec_function('import %s as module' % name, content) self._module = content['module'] except AttributeError: # use sys.modules, because you cannot access some modules # directly. -> #59 self._module = sys.modules[name] sys.path = temp if path: self.sys_path.pop(0) # module might already be defined if not self._module: path = self.path name = if self.path: dot_path = [] p = self.path # search for the builtin with the correct path while p and p not in sys.path: p, sep, mod = p.rpartition(os.path.sep) dot_path.append(mod.partition('.')[0]) if p: name = ".".join(reversed(dot_path)) path = p else: path = os.path.dirname(self.path) load_module(name, path) return self._module def _get_source(self): """ Override this abstract method """ return _generate_code(self.module, self._load_mixins()) def _load_mixins(self): """ Load functions that are mixed in to the standard library. E.g. builtins are written in C (binaries), but my autocompletion only understands Python code. By mixing in Python code, the autocompletion should work much better for builtins. """ regex = r'^(def|class)\s+([\w\d]+)' def process_code(code, depth=0): funcs = {} matches = list(re.finditer(regex, code, re.MULTILINE)) positions = [m.start() for m in matches] for i, pos in enumerate(positions): try: code_block = code[pos:positions[i + 1]] except IndexError: code_block = code[pos:len(code)] structure_name = matches[i].group(1) name = matches[i].group(2) if structure_name == 'def': funcs[name] = code_block elif structure_name == 'class': if depth > 0: raise NotImplementedError() # remove class line c = re.sub(r'^[^\n]+', '', code_block) # remove whitespace c = re.compile(r'^[ ]{4}', re.MULTILINE).sub('', c) funcs[name] = process_code(c) else: raise NotImplementedError() return funcs try: name = if name == '__builtin__' and not is_py3k: name = 'builtins' path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) with open(os.path.sep.join([path, 'mixin', name]) + '.pym') as f: s = except IOError: return {} else: mixin_dct = process_code(s) if is_py3k and == # in the case of Py3k xrange is now range mixin_dct['range'] = mixin_dct['xrange'] return mixin_dct def _generate_code(scope, mixin_funcs={}, depth=0): """ Generate a string, which uses python syntax as an input to the PyFuzzyParser. """ def get_doc(obj, indent=False): doc = inspect.getdoc(obj) if doc: doc = ('r"""\n%s\n"""\n' % doc) if indent: doc = parsing.indent_block(doc) return doc return '' def is_in_base_classes(cls, name, comparison): """ Base classes may contain the exact same object """ if name in mixin_funcs: return False try: mro = cls.mro() except TypeError: # this happens, if cls == type return False for base in mro[1:]: try: attr = getattr(base, name) except AttributeError: continue if attr == comparison: return True return False def get_scope_objects(names): """ Looks for the names defined with dir() in an objects and divides them into different object types. """ classes = {} funcs = {} stmts = {} members = {} for n in names: try: # this has a builtin_function_or_method exe = getattr(scope, n) except AttributeError: # happens e.g. in properties of # PyQt4.QtGui.QStyleOptionComboBox.currentText # -> just set it to None members[n] = None else: if inspect.isclass(scope): if is_in_base_classes(scope, n, exe): continue if inspect.isbuiltin(exe) or inspect.ismethod(exe) \ or inspect.ismethoddescriptor(exe): funcs[n] = exe elif inspect.isclass(exe): classes[n] = exe elif inspect.ismemberdescriptor(exe): members[n] = exe else: stmts[n] = exe return classes, funcs, stmts, members code = '' if inspect.ismodule(scope): # generate comment where the code's from. try: path = scope.__file__ except AttributeError: path = '?' code += '# Generated module %s from %s\n' % (scope.__name__, path) code += get_doc(scope) names = set(dir(scope)) - set(['__file__', '__name__', '__doc__', '__path__', '__package__']) \ | set(['mro']) classes, funcs, stmts, members = get_scope_objects(names) # classes for name, cl in classes.items(): bases = (c.__name__ for c in cl.__bases__) code += 'class %s(%s):\n' % (name, ','.join(bases)) if depth == 0: try: mixin = mixin_funcs[name] except KeyError: mixin = {} cl_code = _generate_code(cl, mixin, depth + 1) code += parsing.indent_block(cl_code) code += '\n' # functions for name, func in funcs.items(): params, ret = parse_function_doc(func) if depth > 0: params = 'self, ' + params doc_str = get_doc(func, indent=True) try: mixin = mixin_funcs[name] except KeyError: # normal code generation code += 'def %s(%s):\n' % (name, params) code += doc_str code += parsing.indent_block('%s\n\n' % ret) else: # generation of code with mixins # the parser only supports basic functions with a newline after # the double dots # find doc_str place pos ='\):\s*\n', mixin).end() if pos is None: raise Exception("Builtin function not parsed correctly") code += mixin[:pos] + doc_str + mixin[pos:] # class members (functions) properties? for name, func in members.items(): # recursion problem in properties TODO remove if name in ['fget', 'fset', 'fdel']: continue ret = 'pass' code += '@property\ndef %s(self):\n' % (name) code += parsing.indent_block(get_doc(func) + '%s\n\n' % ret) # variables for name, value in stmts.items(): if is_py3k: file_type = io.TextIOWrapper else: file_type = types.FileType if type(value) == file_type: value = 'open()' elif name == 'None': value = '' elif type(value).__name__ in ['int', 'bool', 'float', 'dict', 'list', 'tuple']: value = repr(value) else: # get the type, if the type is not simple. mod = type(value).__module__ value = type(value).__name__ + '()' if mod != '__builtin__': value = '%s.%s' % (mod, value) code += '%s = %s\n' % (name, value) if depth == 0: #with open('', 'w') as f: # f.write(code) #import sys #sys.stdout.write(code) #exit() pass return code def parse_function_doc(func): """ Takes a function and returns the params and return value as a tuple. This is nothing more than a docstring parser. """ # TODO: things like utime(path, (atime, mtime)) and a(b [, b]) -> None doc = inspect.getdoc(func) # get full string, parse round parentheses: def func(a, (b,c)) try: count = 0 debug.dbg(func, func.__name__, doc) start = doc.index('(') for i, s in enumerate(doc[start:]): if s == '(': count += 1 elif s == ')': count -= 1 if count == 0: end = start + i break param_str = doc[start + 1:end] # remove square brackets, that show an optional param ( = None) def change_options(m): args =',') for i, a in enumerate(args): if a and '=' not in a: args[i] += '=None' return ','.join(args) while True: param_str, changes = re.subn(r' ?\[([^\[\]]+)\]', change_options, param_str) if changes == 0: break except (ValueError, AttributeError): debug.dbg('no brackets found - no param') end = 0 param_str = '' param_str = param_str.replace('-', '_') # see: isinstance.__doc__ if doc is not None: r ='-[>-]* ', doc[end:end + 7]) if doc is None or r is None: ret = 'pass' else: index = end + r.end() # get result type, which can contain newlines pattern = re.compile(r'(,\n|[^\n-])+') ret_str = pattern.match(doc, index).group(0).strip() # New object -> object() ret_str = re.sub(r'[nN]ew (.*)', r'\1()', ret_str) ret = Parser.map_types.get(ret_str, ret_str) if ret == ret_str and ret not in ['None', 'object', 'tuple', 'set']: debug.dbg('not working', ret_str) if ret != 'pass': ret = ('return ' if 'return' not in ret else '') + ret return param_str, ret class Builtin(object): """ The builtin scope / module """ # Python 3 compatibility if is_py3k: name = 'builtins' else: name = '__builtin__' _builtin = None @property def builtin(self): if self._builtin is None: self._builtin = Parser( return self._builtin @property def scope(self): return self.builtin.parser.module @property def magic_function_scope(self): try: return self._magic_function_scope except AttributeError: # depth = 1 because this is not a module class Container(object): FunctionType = types.FunctionType source = _generate_code(Container, depth=0) parser = parsing.PyFuzzyParser(source, None) module = parser.module module.parent = self.scope typ = evaluate.follow_path(iter(['FunctionType']), module, module) s = self._magic_function_scope = typ.pop() return s Builtin = Builtin()