Christophe Buffenoir 8385ed00af Add jedi
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2013-05-03 10:58:55 +02:00

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For dynamic completion.
Sorry to everyone who is reading this code. Especially the array parts are
really cryptic and not understandable. It's just a hack, that turned out to be
working quite good.
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import parsing
import modules
import evaluate
import helpers
import settings
import debug
import builtin
import imports
import api_classes
# This is something like the sys.path, but only for searching params. It means
# that this is the order in which Jedi searches params.
search_param_modules = ['.']
search_param_cache = {}
def get_directory_modules_for_name(mods, name):
Search a name in the directories of modules.
def check_python_file(path):
return builtin.CachedModule.cache[path][1].module
except KeyError:
return check_fs(path)
except IOError:
return None
def check_fs(path):
with open(path) as f:
source =
if name in source:
return modules.Module(path, source).parser.module
# skip non python modules
mods = set(m for m in mods if m.path.endswith('.py'))
mod_paths = set()
for m in mods:
yield m
if settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules:
paths = set(settings.additional_dynamic_modules)
for p in mod_paths:
d = os.path.dirname(p)
for entry in os.listdir(d):
if entry not in mod_paths:
if entry.endswith('.py'):
paths.add(d + os.path.sep + entry)
for p in paths:
c = check_python_file(p)
if c is not None and c not in mods:
yield c
def search_param_memoize(func):
Is only good for search params memoize, respectively the closure,
because it just caches the input, not the func, like normal memoize does.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
key = (args, frozenset(kwargs.items()))
if key in search_param_cache:
return search_param_cache[key]
rv = func(*args, **kwargs)
search_param_cache[key] = rv
return rv
return wrapper
class ParamListener(object):
This listener is used to get the params for a function.
def __init__(self):
self.param_possibilities = []
def execute(self, params):
def search_params(param):
This is a dynamic search for params. If you try to complete a type:
>>> def func(foo):
>>> # here is the completion
>>> foo
>>> func(1)
>>> func("")
It is not known what the type is, because it cannot be guessed with
recursive madness. Therefore one has to analyse the statements that are
calling the function, as well as analyzing the incoming params.
if not settings.dynamic_params:
return []
def get_params_for_module(module):
Returns the values of a param, or an empty array.
def get_posibilities(module, func_name):
possible_stmts = module.used_names[func_name]
except KeyError:
return []
for stmt in possible_stmts:
if not isinstance(stmt, parsing.Import):
calls = _scan_array(stmt.get_assignment_calls(), func_name)
for c in calls:
# no execution means that params cannot be set
call_path = c.generate_call_path()
pos = c.start_pos
scope = stmt.parent
evaluate.follow_call_path(call_path, scope, pos)
return listener.param_possibilities
result = []
for params in get_posibilities(module, func_name):
for p in params:
if str(p) == param_name:
result += evaluate.follow_statement(p.parent)
return result
func = param.get_parent_until(parsing.Function)
current_module = param.get_parent_until()
func_name = str(
if func_name == '__init__' and isinstance(func.parent, parsing.Class):
func_name = str(
# get the param name
if param.assignment_details:
arr = param.assignment_details[0][1]
arr = param.get_assignment_calls()
offset = 1 if arr[0][0] in ['*', '**'] else 0
param_name = str(arr[0][offset].name)
# add the listener
listener = ParamListener()
result = []
# This is like backtracking: Get the first possible result.
for mod in get_directory_modules_for_name([current_module], func_name):
result = get_params_for_module(mod)
if result:
# cleanup: remove the listener; important: should not stick.
return result
def check_array_additions(array):
""" Just a mapper function for the internal _check_array_additions """
if array._array.type not in ['list', 'set']:
# TODO also check for dict updates
return []
is_list = array._array.type == 'list'
current_module = array._array.parent_stmt.get_parent_until()
res = _check_array_additions(array, current_module, is_list)
return res
def _scan_array(arr, search_name):
""" Returns the function Call that match search_name in an Array. """
result = []
for sub in arr:
for s in sub:
if isinstance(s, parsing.Array):
result += _scan_array(s, search_name)
elif isinstance(s, parsing.Call):
s_new = s
while s_new is not None:
n =
if isinstance(n, parsing.Name) and search_name in n.names:
if s_new.execution is not None:
result += _scan_array(s_new.execution, search_name)
s_new =
return result
counter = 0
def dec(func):
""" TODO delete this """
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global counter
element = args[0]
if isinstance(element, evaluate.Array):
stmt = element._array.parent_stmt
# must be instance
stmt = element.var_args.parent_stmt
print(' ' * counter + 'recursion,', stmt)
counter += 1
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
counter -= 1
#print ' '*counter + 'end,'
return res
return wrapper
def _check_array_additions(compare_array, module, is_list):
Checks if a `parsing.Array` has "add" statements:
>>> a = [""]
>>> a.append(1)
if not settings.dynamic_array_additions or module.is_builtin():
return []
def check_calls(calls, add_name):
Calls are processed here. The part before the call is searched and
compared with the original Array.
result = []
for c in calls:
call_path = list(c.generate_call_path())
separate_index = call_path.index(add_name)
if add_name == call_path[-1] or separate_index == 0:
# this means that there is no execution -> [].append
# or the keyword is at the start -> append()
backtrack_path = iter(call_path[:separate_index])
position = c.start_pos
scope = c.parent_stmt.parent
found = evaluate.follow_call_path(backtrack_path, scope, position)
if not compare_array in found:
params = call_path[separate_index + 1]
if not params.values:
continue # no params: just ignore it
if add_name in ['append', 'add']:
result += evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
elif add_name in ['insert']:
second_param = params[1]
except IndexError:
result += evaluate.follow_call_list([second_param])
elif add_name in ['extend', 'update']:
iterators = evaluate.follow_call_list(params)
result += evaluate.get_iterator_types(iterators)
return result
def get_execution_parent(element, *stop_classes):
""" Used to get an Instance/Execution parent """
if isinstance(element, evaluate.Array):
stmt = element._array.parent_stmt
# must be instance
stmt = element.var_args.parent_stmt
if isinstance(stmt, evaluate.InstanceElement):
stop_classes = list(stop_classes) + [evaluate.Function]
return stmt.get_parent_until(stop_classes)
temp_param_add = settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules
settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules = False
search_names = ['append', 'extend', 'insert'] if is_list else \
['add', 'update']
comp_arr_parent = get_execution_parent(compare_array, evaluate.Execution)
possible_stmts = []
res = []
for n in search_names:
possible_stmts += module.used_names[n]
except KeyError:
for stmt in possible_stmts:
# Check if the original scope is an execution. If it is, one
# can search for the same statement, that is in the module
# dict. Executions are somewhat special in jedi, since they
# literally copy the contents of a function.
if isinstance(comp_arr_parent, evaluate.Execution):
stmt = comp_arr_parent. \
if stmt is None:
# InstanceElements are special, because they don't get copied,
# but have this wrapper around them.
if isinstance(comp_arr_parent, evaluate.InstanceElement):
stmt = evaluate.InstanceElement(comp_arr_parent.instance, stmt)
if evaluate.follow_statement.push_stmt(stmt):
# check recursion
res += check_calls(_scan_array(stmt.get_assignment_calls(), n), n)
# reset settings
settings.dynamic_params_for_other_modules = temp_param_add
return res
def check_array_instances(instance):
""" Used for set() and list() instances. """
if not settings.dynamic_arrays_instances:
return instance.var_args
ai = ArrayInstance(instance)
return helpers.generate_param_array([ai], instance.var_args.parent_stmt)
class ArrayInstance(parsing.Base):
Used for the usage of set() and list().
This is definitely a hack, but a good one :-)
It makes it possible to use set/list conversions.
def __init__(self, instance):
self.instance = instance
self.var_args = instance.var_args
def iter_content(self):
The index is here just ignored, because of all the appends, etc.
lists/sets are too complicated too handle that.
items = []
for array in evaluate.follow_call_list(self.var_args):
if isinstance(array, evaluate.Instance) and len(array.var_args):
temp = array.var_args[0][0]
if isinstance(temp, ArrayInstance):
# prevent recursions
# TODO compare Modules
if self.var_args.start_pos != temp.var_args.start_pos:
items += temp.iter_content()
debug.warning('ArrayInstance recursion', self.var_args)
items += evaluate.get_iterator_types([array])
if self.var_args.parent_stmt is None:
return [] # generated var_args should not be checked for arrays
module = self.var_args.parent_stmt.get_parent_until()
is_list = str( == 'list'
items += _check_array_additions(self.instance, module, is_list)
return items
def related_names(definitions, search_name, mods):
def check_call(call):
result = []
follow = [] # There might be multiple search_name's in one call_path
call_path = list(call.generate_call_path())
for i, name in enumerate(call_path):
# name is `parsing.NamePart`.
if name == search_name:
follow.append(call_path[:i + 1])
for f in follow:
follow_res, search = evaluate.goto(call.parent_stmt, f)
follow_res = related_name_add_import_modules(follow_res, search)
#print follow_res, [d.parent for d in follow_res]
# compare to see if they match
if any(r in definitions for r in follow_res):
scope = call.parent_stmt
result.append(api_classes.RelatedName(search, scope))
return result
if not definitions:
return set()
def is_definition(arr):
for a in arr:
assert len(a) == 1
a = a[0]
if a.isinstance(parsing.Array):
assert is_definition(a)
elif a.isinstance(parsing.Call):
assert a.execution is None
return True
except AssertionError:
return False
mods |= set([d.get_parent_until() for d in definitions])
names = []
for m in get_directory_modules_for_name(mods, search_name):
stmts = m.used_names[search_name]
except KeyError:
for stmt in stmts:
if isinstance(stmt, parsing.Import):
count = 0
imps = []
for i in stmt.get_all_import_names():
for name_part in i.names:
count += 1
if name_part == search_name:
imps.append((count, name_part))
for used_count, name_part in imps:
i = imports.ImportPath(stmt, kill_count=count - used_count,
f = i.follow(is_goto=True)
if set(f) & set(definitions):
names.append(api_classes.RelatedName(name_part, stmt))
calls = _scan_array(stmt.get_assignment_calls(), search_name)
for d in stmt.assignment_details:
if not is_definition(d[1]):
calls += _scan_array(d[1], search_name)
for call in calls:
names += check_call(call)
return names
def related_name_add_import_modules(definitions, search_name):
""" Adds the modules of the imports """
new = set()
for d in definitions:
if isinstance(d.parent, parsing.Import):
s = imports.ImportPath(d.parent, direct_resolve=True)
except IndexError:
return set(definitions) | new
def check_flow_information(flow, search_name, pos):
""" Try to find out the type of a variable just with the information that
is given by the flows: e.g. It is also responsible for assert checks.
>>> if isinstance(k, str):
>>> k. # <- completion here
ensures that `k` is a string.
result = []
if isinstance(flow, parsing.Scope) and not result:
for ass in reversed(flow.asserts):
if pos is None or ass.start_pos > pos:
result = check_statement_information(ass, search_name)
if result:
if isinstance(flow, parsing.Flow) and not result:
if flow.command in ['if', 'while'] and len(flow.inits) == 1:
result = check_statement_information(flow.inits[0], search_name)
return result
def check_statement_information(stmt, search_name):
ass = stmt.get_assignment_calls()
call = ass.get_only_subelement()
except AttributeError:
assert False
assert type(call) == parsing.Call and str( == 'isinstance'
assert bool(call.execution)
# isinstance check
isinst = call.execution.values
assert len(isinst) == 2 # has two params
assert len(isinst[0]) == 1
assert len(isinst[1]) == 1
assert isinstance(isinst[0][0], parsing.Call)
# names fit?
assert str(isinst[0][0].name) == search_name
classes_call = isinst[1][0] # class_or_type_or_tuple
assert isinstance(classes_call, parsing.Call)
result = []
for c in evaluate.follow_call(classes_call):
if isinstance(c, evaluate.Array):
result += c.get_index_types()
for i, c in enumerate(result):
result[i] = evaluate.Instance(c)
return result
except AssertionError:
return []