Christophe Buffenoir 8385ed00af Add jedi
Fix error in powerline (ascii can't decode)
Get vim plugins directly from git
2013-05-03 10:58:55 +02:00

64 lines
1.5 KiB

import inspect
import time
# Use colorama for nicer console output.
from colorama import Fore, init
except ImportError:
class Fore(object):
RED = ''
GREEN = ''
RESET = ''
NOTICE = object()
WARNING = object()
SPEED = object()
enable_speed = False
enable_warning = False
enable_notice = False
# callback, interface: level, str
debug_function = None
ignored_modules = ['parsing', 'builtin', 'jedi.builtin', 'jedi.parsing']
def reset_time():
global start_time
start_time = time.time()
def dbg(*args):
""" Looks at the stack, to see if a debug message should be printed. """
if debug_function and enable_notice:
frm = inspect.stack()[1]
mod = inspect.getmodule(frm[0])
if not (mod.__name__ in ignored_modules):
debug_function(NOTICE, 'dbg: ' + ', '.join(str(a) for a in args))
def warning(*args):
if debug_function and enable_warning:
debug_function(WARNING, 'warning: ' + ', '.join(str(a) for a in args))
def speed(name):
if debug_function and enable_speed:
now = time.time()
debug_function(SPEED, 'speed: ' + '%s %s' % (name, now - start_time))
def print_to_stdout(level, str_out):
""" The default debug function """
if level == NOTICE:
col = Fore.GREEN
elif level == WARNING:
col = Fore.RED
col = Fore.YELLOW
print(col + str_out + Fore.RESET)
#debug_function = print_to_stdout