Christophe Buffenoir 8385ed00af Add jedi
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2013-05-03 10:58:55 +02:00

332 lines
11 KiB

from __future__ import with_statement
import os
import pkgutil
import imp
import sys
import time
import builtin
import modules
import debug
import parsing
import evaluate
import itertools
import settings
# for debugging purposes only
imports_processed = 0
star_import_cache = {}
class ModuleNotFound(Exception):
class ImportPath(parsing.Base):
An ImportPath is the path of a `parsing.Import` object.
class _GlobalNamespace(object):
def get_defined_names(self):
return []
def get_imports(self):
return []
def start_pos(self):
return (0, 0)
def get_parent_until(self):
return None
GlobalNamespace = _GlobalNamespace()
def __init__(self, import_stmt, is_like_search=False, kill_count=0,
self.import_stmt = import_stmt
self.is_like_search = is_like_search
self.direct_resolve = direct_resolve
self.is_partial_import = bool(kill_count)
path = import_stmt.get_parent_until().path
self.file_path = os.path.dirname(path) if path is not None else None
# rest is import_path resolution
self.import_path = []
if import_stmt.from_ns:
self.import_path += import_stmt.from_ns.names
if import_stmt.namespace:
if self.is_nested_import() and not direct_resolve:
self.import_path += import_stmt.namespace.names
for i in range(kill_count + int(is_like_search)):
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s: %s>' % (type(self).__name__, self.import_stmt)
def is_nested_import(self):
This checks for the special case of nested imports, without aliases and
from statement:
>>> import
return not self.import_stmt.alias and not self.import_stmt.from_ns \
and len(self.import_stmt.namespace.names) > 1 \
and not self.direct_resolve
def get_nested_import(self, parent):
See documentation of `self.is_nested_import`.
Generates an Import statement, that can be used to fake nested imports.
i = self.import_stmt
# This is not an existing Import statement. Therefore, set position to
# 0 (0 is not a valid line number).
zero = (0, 0)
n = parsing.Name(i.namespace.names[1:], zero, zero, self.import_stmt)
new = parsing.Import(zero, zero, n)
new.parent = parent
debug.dbg('Generated a nested import: %s' % new)
return new
def get_defined_names(self, on_import_stmt=False):
names = []
for scope in self.follow():
if scope is ImportPath.GlobalNamespace:
if self.import_stmt.relative_count == 0:
names += self.get_module_names()
if self.file_path is not None:
path = os.path.abspath(self.file_path)
for i in range(self.import_stmt.relative_count - 1):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
names += self.get_module_names([path])
if on_import_stmt and isinstance(scope, parsing.Module) \
and scope.path.endswith(''):
pkg_path = os.path.dirname(scope.path)
names += self.get_module_names([pkg_path])
for s, scope_names in evaluate.get_names_for_scope(scope,
for n in scope_names:
if self.import_stmt.from_ns is None \
or self.is_partial_import:
# from_ns must be defined to access module
# values plus a partial import means that there
# is something after the import, which
# automatically implies that there must not be
# any non-module scope.
return names
def get_module_names(self, search_path=None):
Get the names of all modules in the search_path. This means file names
and not names defined in the files.
if not search_path:
search_path = self.sys_path_with_modifications()
names = []
for module_loader, name, is_pkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(search_path):
inf_pos = (float('inf'), float('inf'))
names.append(parsing.Name([(name, inf_pos)], inf_pos, inf_pos,
return names
def sys_path_with_modifications(self):
module = self.import_stmt.get_parent_until()
return modules.sys_path_with_modifications(module)
def follow(self, is_goto=False):
Returns the imported modules.
if evaluate.follow_statement.push_stmt(self.import_stmt):
# check recursion
return []
if self.import_path:
scope, rest = self._follow_file_system()
except ModuleNotFound:
debug.warning('Module not found: ' + str(self.import_stmt))
return []
scopes = [scope]
scopes += itertools.chain.from_iterable(
remove_star_imports(s) for s in scopes)
# follow the rest of the import (not FS -> classes, functions)
if len(rest) > 1 or rest and self.is_like_search:
scopes = []
elif rest:
if is_goto:
scopes = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
evaluate.get_scopes_for_name(s, rest[0], is_goto=True)
for s in scopes)
scopes = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
evaluate.follow_path(iter(rest), s, s)
for s in scopes)
scopes = list(scopes)
if self.is_nested_import():
scopes = [ImportPath.GlobalNamespace]
debug.dbg('after import', scopes)
return scopes
def _follow_file_system(self):
Find a module with a path (of the module, like usb.backend.libusb10).
def follow_str(ns, string):
debug.dbg('follow_module', ns, string)
path = None
if ns:
path = ns[1]
elif self.import_stmt.relative_count:
module = self.import_stmt.get_parent_until()
path = os.path.abspath(module.path)
for i in range(self.import_stmt.relative_count):
path = os.path.dirname(path)
global imports_processed
imports_processed += 1
if path is not None:
return imp.find_module(string, [path])
debug.dbg('search_module', string, self.file_path)
# Override the sys.path. It works only good that way.
# Injecting the path directly into `find_module` did not work.
sys.path, temp = sys_path_mod, sys.path
i = imp.find_module(string)
except ImportError:
sys.path = temp
sys.path = temp
return i
if self.file_path:
sys_path_mod = list(self.sys_path_with_modifications())
sys_path_mod.insert(0, self.file_path)
sys_path_mod = list(builtin.get_sys_path())
current_namespace = None
# now execute those paths
rest = []
for i, s in enumerate(self.import_path):
current_namespace = follow_str(current_namespace, s)
except ImportError:
if current_namespace:
rest = self.import_path[i:]
raise ModuleNotFound(
'The module you searched has not been found')
sys_path_mod.pop(0) # TODO why is this here?
path = current_namespace[1]
is_package_directory = current_namespace[2][2] == imp.PKG_DIRECTORY
f = None
if is_package_directory or current_namespace[0]:
# is a directory module
if is_package_directory:
path += '/'
with open(path) as f:
source =
source = current_namespace[0].read()
if path.endswith('.py'):
f = modules.Module(path, source)
f = builtin.Parser(path=path)
f = builtin.Parser(name=path)
return f.parser.module, rest
def strip_imports(scopes):
Here we strip the imports - they don't get resolved necessarily.
Really used anymore? Merge with remove_star_imports?
result = []
for s in scopes:
if isinstance(s, parsing.Import):
result += ImportPath(s).follow()
return result
def cache_star_import(func):
def wrapper(scope, *args, **kwargs):
mods = star_import_cache[scope]
if mods[0] + settings.star_import_cache_validity > time.time():
return mods[1]
except KeyError:
# cache is too old and therefore invalid or not available
mods = func(scope, *args, **kwargs)
star_import_cache[scope] = time.time(), mods
return mods
return wrapper
def invalidate_star_import_cache(module, only_main=False):
""" Important if some new modules are being reparsed """
t, mods = star_import_cache[module]
del star_import_cache[module]
for m in mods:
invalidate_star_import_cache(m, only_main=True)
except KeyError:
if not only_main:
# We need a list here because otherwise the list is being changed
# during the iteration in py3k: iteritems -> items.
for key, (t, mods) in list(star_import_cache.items()):
if module in mods:
def remove_star_imports(scope, ignored_modules=[]):
Check a module for star imports:
>>> from module import *
and follow these modules.
modules = strip_imports(i for i in scope.get_imports() if
new = []
for m in modules:
if m not in ignored_modules:
new += remove_star_imports(m, modules)
modules += new
# Filter duplicate modules.
return set(modules)