kujiu (@uberwald) 8ca6287fb1
Update all tools
-> Passwords in KeePassXC (access by keyring)
-> Neomutt + Aerc (mail)
-> vdirsyncer + khal + khard (calendar and contacts)
zsh -> fish
-> poezio (XMPP)
-> newsboat (RSS with FreshRSS)
-> toot (Mastodon client)
vim -> neovim (with lunarvim)
-> nvimpager (pager based on neovim)
-> konsole

With Nightfox theme.
2023-09-02 00:40:34 +02:00

10 lines
381 B
Raw Blame History

*** tn_ZA.orig.aff Wed Aug 31 20:46:24 2005
--- tn_ZA.aff Wed Aug 31 20:47:01 2005
*** 21 ****
--- 21,25 ----
TRY aeoltinsghkmbdwrpufyMjSDBKPTL-AJREGNcIvFCUWY獺z
+ FOL 悻陬隅劃遞噶捲陷絮溢劃遞蝨賴摵蜠樉賥濋錎膼瀔嚦黀蘜矙𡜍𦶠𤨒<F0A6B6A0>
+ LOW 悻陬隅劃遞噶捲陷絮溢劃遞蝨賴摵蜠樉賥濋錎膼瀔嚦黀蘜矙𡜍𦶠𤨒<F0A6B6A0>
+ UPP ﹜ㄔ成帚型悖捲陷絮溢劃遞蝨螃謝藥齪ヌ圴佮迓玿旂衲欶崷窙嗲睧<E597B2>