Christophe Buffenoir 8385ed00af Add jedi
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2013-05-03 10:58:55 +02:00

99 lines
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def compile():
class SRE_Match():
endpos = 1
lastgroup = 0
lastindex = 1
pos = 0
string = 'a'
regs = ((0, 1),)
def __init__(self, pattern): = pattern
def start(self):
return 0
def end(self):
return 1
def span(self):
return 0, 1
def expand(self):
return ''
def group(self):
return ''
def groupdict(self):
return {'a', 'a'}
def groups(self):
return ('a',)
class SRE_Pattern():
flags = 0
groupindex = {}
groups = 0
pattern = 'a'
def findall(self):
findall(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> list.
Return a list of all non-overlapping matches of pattern in string.
return ['a']
def finditer(self):
finditer(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> iterator.
Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches for the
RE pattern in string. For each match, the iterator returns a
match object.
yield SRE_Match(self)
def match(self):
match(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> match object or None.
Matches zero or more characters at the beginning of the string
return SRE_Match(self)
def scanner(self):
def search(self):
search(string[, pos[, endpos]]) --> match object or None.
Scan through string looking for a match, and return a corresponding
MatchObject instance. Return None if no position in the string matches.
return SRE_Match(self)
def split(self):
split(string[, maxsplit = 0]) --> list.
Split string by the occurrences of pattern.
return ['a']
def sub(self):
sub(repl, string[, count = 0]) --> newstring
Return the string obtained by replacing the leftmost non-overlapping
occurrences of pattern in string by the replacement repl.
return ''
def subn(self):
subn(repl, string[, count = 0]) --> (newstring, number of subs)
Return the tuple (new_string, number_of_subs_made) found by replacing
the leftmost non-overlapping occurrences of pattern with the
replacement repl.
return ('', 1)
return SRE_Pattern()