# Music and Sound ## Music Make your game come alive with some music. The background music can be controlled from .esc scripts using the `set_state bg_music` command. To play music when a scene loads, create a new .esc file, load it from the `Events Path` property of the `scene` node and add the following contents: ``` :ready set_state bg_music "res://demo/audio/music/demo_melody.ogg" ``` Assuming `demo_melody.ogg` is a music file which exists under that resource path in your project. ### Controlling music streams Similarly, you can also control music by triggering actions on items in your scene, for instance by using custom `turn_on` and `turn_off` actions on a radio item in your game with the following .esc script added to its `Events Path` property: ``` :turn_on set_state bg_music "res://demo/audio/music/demo_melody.ogg" :turn_off set_state bg_music off ``` ### Sound You play sound files with `play_snd`. You can add an `AudioStreamPlayer2D` to any item, calling it `audio`. Please see [the reference](esc_reference.md) for more info. For idle animations, their idle sounds, it's preferred you use the `animation` node to control the audio stream. ## Controlling volume Currently there exists no API for controlling music through Escoria. There is a setting `escoria/application/dialog_damp_music_by_db` which allows you to dampen the background music while someone's speaking. See [Decibel scale](http://docs.godotengine.org/en/3.0/tutorials/audio/audio_buses.html) for details.