Changes ####### 2.1.0 (*2023-08-17*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Use node image type to be compatible with ablog's excerpts 2.0.0 (*2023-08-11*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Python 3.11 and Sphinx 7.0 support 1.1.0 (*2021-08-03*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Better compatibility with mobile phones and small screens - Swipe support - More space for images - Restructure repository - Use initial format instead of PNG for thumbnails 1.0.3 (*2021-07-13*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix height on prev/next buttons 1.0.2 (*2021-07-13*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix scroll computation - Translation of ignored elements - Improve accessibility 1.0.1 (*2021-06-03*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Fix translation - Add timer option - Better CSS and transition 1.0.0 (*2021-05-28*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Initial release