Create image galleries in Sphinx with Galleria
sphinx_galleria | ||
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sphinx_galleria ############### Create image galleries with Sphinx. No external JS dependency. Install ~~~~~~~ If you're using a virtualenv, just: .. code:: bash pip install sphinx-galleria .. important:: Your webserver must deliver .mjs file with correct content type (`application/javascript`). Using ~~~~~ Add `'sphinx_galleria'` in the list of extensions in your `source.conf` file. Just use the galleria directive like this: .. code:: rst .. galleria:: imagefile1 imagefile2 images*.jpg :galleria: (optional) Name of gallery - node level :alt: (optional) A long description - image level :title: (optional) Title of image - image level :thumbsize: (optional) Image size (defaults to "100x100") - image level :width: Width of image (in pixel or percentage or with unit, default auto) - node level :height: (optional) Height of image (in pixel or with unit) - node level :align: Align to 'right', 'left' or 'center' (default to center) - node level :hide_title: Flag - hide title under image (not in dialog) - image level :hide_alt: Flag - hide alternative text under image - image level :transition: (optional, once) Transition for gallery - image level :class: (optional, once) HTML class for gallery - node level Image level options are same for all images defined by the directive. If you need separated descriptions and titles, just use the directive several times with the same galleria name. In this case, node level options must be defined only once. Thumbnail size is in "WIDTHxHEIGHT" format, resulting image keeps ratio. The first image of a gallery is displayed if javascript is not available on the browser. Licensing ~~~~~~~~~ sphinx-galleria is under EUPL-1.2.