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TranslateCommand(distutils.cmd.Command): for cmd_name in self.get_sub_commands(): self.run_command(cmd_name) + with open("README.rst", "r") as fh: long_description = fh.read() setup( name="sphinx_nervproject_theme", - version="1.0.8", + version="1.1.0", url="https://procrastinator.nerv-project.eu/nerv-project/communication/sphinx_nervproject_theme", license="EUPL 1.2", author="Kujiu", @@ -36,7 +37,7 @@ setup( long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/x-rst", packages=["sphinx_nervproject_theme"], - cmdclass = { + cmdclass={ 'translate': TranslateCommand, }, package_data={ diff --git a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/__init__.py b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/__init__.py index dbfd523..519956c 100644 --- a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/__init__.py +++ b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/__init__.py @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ from os import path +import sys from docutils import nodes from sphinx.environment.collectors import EnvironmentCollector from sphinx import addnodes from sphinx.util.osutil import relative_uri -__version__ = (1, 0, 8) +__version__ = (1, 1, 0) + + +sys.setrecursionlimit(15000) class SimpleTocTreeCollector(EnvironmentCollector): @@ -35,19 +39,15 @@ class SimpleTocTreeCollector(EnvironmentCollector): for docname in docnames: env.toc_dict[docname] = other.toc_dict[docname] - def process_doc(self, app, doctree): - docname = app.env.docname # sphinx mutates this, ouch!!! - - # print(f"================ Collector\n{docname}\n============\n") - # get 1 level document toc (sections) + docname = app.env.docname section_nodes = [s for s in doctree if isinstance(s, nodes.section)] # if first level is a single section, # ignore it and use second level of sections if len(section_nodes) == 1: section2_nodes = [s for s in section_nodes[0] if isinstance(s, nodes.section)] - if section2_nodes: # do not replace with level-2 sections if None + if section2_nodes: # do not replace with level-2 sections if None section_nodes = section2_nodes sections = [] @@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ class SimpleTocTreeCollector(EnvironmentCollector): } - def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): """Create toctree_data, used to build sidebar navigation @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): master = app.env.get_doctree(app.env.config.master_doc) # each toctree will create navigation section - res = [] # list of top level toctrees in master_doc + res = [] # list of top level toctrees in master_doc for tree in master.traverse(addnodes.toctree): # special case for toctree that includes a single item @@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): for tree in toctrees: pass - current0 = False # same page might have multiple tocs + current0 = False # same page might have multiple tocs # add toc tree items, expand one more level if toctree is current page entries = [] @@ -123,7 +122,7 @@ def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): 'children': children, }) - toc_docname = tree['parent'] # docname where this toc appears + toc_docname = tree['parent'] # docname where this toc appears title = tree['caption'] toc_caption = tree['caption'] @@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): # First parent is "compound" node toctree-wrapper, # second parent is the section containing the toctree toc_section = tree.parent.parent - if toc_section['ids']: # no id means toc actually not in a section + if toc_section['ids']: # no id means toc actually not in a section # TODO: should we be strict about toc being inside a section anchor_id = toc_section['ids'][0] if not title: @@ -157,10 +156,22 @@ def add_toctree_data(app, pagename, templatename, context, doctree): context['toctree_data'] = res +def on_config_inited(app, conf): + exclude_files = list(app.config.get('epub_exclude_files', [])) + exclude_files.append('_static/sphinx_nervproject_theme.js') + exclude_files.append('_static/sphinx_nervproject_simple.css') + exclude_files.append('_static/sphinx_nervproject_theme.css') + exclude_files.append('_static/basic.css') + app.config.exclude_files = exclude_files + + app.config.weasyprint_footer_selector = 'footer.footer' + app.config.weasyprint_header_selector = 'header.navbar' + def setup(app): app.add_env_collector(SimpleTocTreeCollector) app.connect('html-page-context', add_toctree_data) + app.connect('config-inited', on_config_inited) app.add_html_theme('nervproject', path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__))) locale_path = path.join(path.abspath(path.dirname(__file__)), 'locale') diff --git a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/layout.html b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/layout.html index d5d6fdd..d107591 100644 --- a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/layout.html +++ b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/layout.html @@ -1,36 +1,41 @@ - + - - + + {{- metatags }} {%- block htmltitle %} {{ title|striptags|e }}{{ titlesuffix }} {%- endblock %} - {# #} + {# #} {%- block css %} - - - - {% if theme_isso %} - - - + + {% if builder=='weasyprint' %} + + {% elif builder=='epub' %} + + {% else %} + + {% if theme_isso %} + + + + {% endif %} {% endif %} {%- for css in css_files %} {%- if css|attr("rel") %} @@ -42,20 +47,22 @@ {%- endblock %} {%- block scripts %} - {# FIXME: use link-preload #} - - {% if theme_fathom %} - {%- include "util/fathom.html" %} + {% if builder=='html' %} + {# FIXME: use link-preload #} + + {% if theme_fathom %} + {%- include "util/fathom.html" %} + {% endif %} + + + {%- for scriptfile in script_files %} + {{ js_tag(scriptfile) }} + {%- endfor %} + + + + {% endif %} - - - {%- for scriptfile in script_files %} - {{ js_tag(scriptfile) }} - {%- endfor %} - - {# press js #} - - {%- endblock %} {%- if pageurl %} @@ -70,33 +77,31 @@ -
{%- block container %} {%- block header %}{%- include "util/navbar.html" %}{% endblock %} - {# close sidebar when clicked out of it #} - -
{%- block sidebar %} - + {% if builder=='html' %} + + {% endif %} {%- endblock %} - +
{%- block document %} {% block body_header %} {%- include "util/bodyheader.html" %} @@ -105,7 +110,7 @@ {% block body %} {% endblock %} {%- endblock %} - +
{%- block footer %} diff --git a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/page.html b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/page.html index 496a4f0..9e0b857 100644 --- a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/page.html +++ b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/page.html @@ -2,40 +2,29 @@ {%- block extrahead %} {{ super() }} {% if feed_path %} - + {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block body %} {{ body }} -
- {% if ablog and pagename in ablog %} - {% include "postnavy.html" %} - {% include "share.html" %} - {% else %} - {% if ablog and theme_share_all %} + {% if builder=='html' %} +
+ {% if ablog and pagename in ablog %} + {% include "postnavy.html" %} {% include "share.html" %} + {% else %} + {% if ablog and theme_share_all %} + {% include "share.html" %} + {% endif %} {% endif %} + {% if ablog and ablog.disqus_shortname and ablog.blog_baseurl and + (not ablog[pagename].nocomments) and + ((pagename in ablog and (ablog[pagename].published or + ablog.disqus_drafts)) or + (not pagename in ablog and ablog.disqus_pages)) %} + {% include "util/disqus.html" %} + {% endif %} +
{% endif %} - {% if ablog and ablog.disqus_shortname and ablog.blog_baseurl and - (not ablog[pagename].nocomments) and - ((pagename in ablog and (ablog[pagename].published or - ablog.disqus_drafts)) or - (not pagename in ablog and ablog.disqus_pages)) %} - {% include "util/disqus.html" %} - {% endif %} - {% if ablog and theme_isso and - (not ablog[pagename].nocomments) and - ((pagename in ablog and (ablog[pagename].published or - ablog.disqus_drafts)) or - (not pagename in ablog and ablog.disqus_pages)) %} -

{{ _("Comments") }}

- {% endif %} -
{% endblock %} diff --git a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/share.html b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/share.html index 55772e4..0cfc297 100644 --- a/sphinx_nervproject_theme/share.html +++ b/sphinx_nervproject_theme/share.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{% set post = ablog[pagename] %} -