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163 lines
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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
from typing import Any, Dict, List, TYPE_CHECKING
from pyppeteer.browser import Browser
"""Chromium process launcher module."""
logger = ...
pyppeteer_home = ...
class Launcher:
"""Chrome process launcher class."""
def __init__(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Make new launcher."""
async def launch(self) -> Browser:
"""Start chrome process and return `Browser` object."""
async def ensureInitialPage(self, browser: Browser) -> None:
"""Wait for initial page target to be created."""
def waitForChromeToClose(self) -> None:
"""Terminate chrome."""
async def killChrome(self) -> None:
"""Terminate chromium process."""
def get_ws_endpoint(url) -> str:
async def launch(options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Browser:
"""Start chrome process and return :class:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser`.
This function is a shortcut to :meth:`Launcher(options, **kwargs).launch`.
Available options are:
* ``ignoreHTTPSErrors`` (bool): Whether to ignore HTTPS errors. Defaults to
* ``headless`` (bool): Whether to run browser in headless mode. Defaults to
``True`` unless ``appMode`` or ``devtools`` options is ``True``.
* ``executablePath`` (str): Path to a Chromium or Chrome executable to run
instead of default bundled Chromium.
* ``slowMo`` (int|float): Slow down pyppeteer operations by the specified
amount of milliseconds.
* ``defaultViewport`` (dict): Set a consistent viewport for each page.
Defaults to an 800x600 viewport. ``None`` disables default viewport.
* ``width`` (int): page width in pixels.
* ``height`` (int): page height in pixels.
* ``deviceScaleFactor`` (int|float): Specify device scale factor (can be
thought as dpr). Defaults to ``1``.
* ``isMobile`` (bool): Whether the ``meta viewport`` tag is taken into
account. Defaults to ``False``.
* ``hasTouch`` (bool): Specify if viewport supports touch events.
Defaults to ``False``.
* ``isLandscape`` (bool): Specify if viewport is in landscape mode.
Defaults to ``False``.
* ``args`` (List[str]): Additional arguments (flags) to pass to the browser
* ``ignoreDefaultArgs`` (bool or List[str]): If ``True``, do not use
:func:`~pyppeteer.defaultArgs`. If list is given, then filter out given
default arguments. Dangerous option; use with care. Defaults to
* ``handleSIGINT`` (bool): Close the browser process on Ctrl+C. Defaults to
* ``handleSIGTERM`` (bool): Close the browser process on SIGTERM. Defaults
to ``True``.
* ``handleSIGHUP`` (bool): Close the browser process on SIGHUP. Defaults to
* ``dumpio`` (bool): Whether to pipe the browser process stdout and stderr
into ``process.stdout`` and ``process.stderr``. Defaults to ``False``.
* ``userDataDir`` (str): Path to a user data directory.
* ``env`` (dict): Specify environment variables that will be visible to the
browser. Defaults to same as python process.
* ``devtools`` (bool): Whether to auto-open a DevTools panel for each tab.
If this option is ``True``, the ``headless`` option will be set
* ``logLevel`` (int|str): Log level to print logs. Defaults to same as the
root logger.
* ``autoClose`` (bool): Automatically close browser process when script
completed. Defaults to ``True``.
* ``loop`` (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): Event loop (**experimental**).
* ``appMode`` (bool): Deprecated.
This function combines 3 steps:
1. Infer a set of flags to launch chromium with using
2. Launch browser and start managing its process according to the
``executablePath``, ``handleSIGINT``, ``dumpio``, and other options.
3. Create an instance of :class:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser` class and
initialize it with ``defaultViewport``, ``slowMo``, and
``ignoreDefaultArgs`` option can be used to customize behavior on the (1)
step. For example, to filter out ``--mute-audio`` from default arguments:
.. code::
browser = await launch(ignoreDefaultArgs=['--mute-audio'])
.. note::
Pyppeteer can also be used to control the Chrome browser, but it works
best with the version of Chromium it is bundled with. There is no
guarantee it will work with any other version. Use ``executablePath``
option with extreme caution.
async def connect(options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Browser:
"""Connect to the existing chrome.
``browserWSEndpoint`` or ``browserURL`` option is necessary to connect to
the chrome. The format of ``browserWSEndpoint`` is
``ws://${host}:${port}/devtools/browser/<id>`` and format of ``browserURL``
is `````.
The value of ``browserWSEndpoint`` can get by :attr:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser.wsEndpoint`.
Available options are:
* ``browserWSEndpoint`` (str): A browser websocket endpoint to connect to.
* ``browserURL`` (str): A browser URL to connect to.
* ``ignoreHTTPSErrors`` (bool): Whether to ignore HTTPS errors. Defaults to
* ``defaultViewport`` (dict): Set a consistent viewport for each page.
Defaults to an 800x600 viewport. ``None`` disables default viewport.
* ``width`` (int): page width in pixels.
* ``height`` (int): page height in pixels.
* ``deviceScaleFactor`` (int|float): Specify device scale factor (can be
thought as dpr). Defaults to ``1``.
* ``isMobile`` (bool): Whether the ``meta viewport`` tag is taken into
account. Defaults to ``False``.
* ``hasTouch`` (bool): Specify if viewport supports touch events.
Defaults to ``False``.
* ``isLandscape`` (bool): Specify if viewport is in landscape mode.
Defaults to ``False``.
* ``slowMo`` (int|float): Slow down pyppeteer's by the specified amount of
* ``logLevel`` (int|str): Log level to print logs. Defaults to same as the
root logger.
* ``loop`` (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop): Event loop (**experimental**).
def executablePath() -> str:
"""Get executable path of default chromium."""
def defaultArgs(options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> List[str]:
"""Get the default flags the chromium will be launched with.
``options`` or keyword arguments are set of configurable options to set on
the browser. Can have the following fields:
* ``headless`` (bool): Whether to run browser in headless mode. Defaults to
``True`` unless the ``devtools`` option is ``True``.
* ``args`` (List[str]): Additional arguments to pass to the browser
instance. The list of chromium flags can be found
`here <http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/>`__.
* ``userDataDir`` (str): Path to a User Data Directory.
* ``devtools`` (bool): Whether to auto-open DevTools panel for each tab. If
this option is ``True``, the ``headless`` option will be set ``False``.