""" This type stub file was generated by pyright. """ from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, Union from pyee import EventEmitter from pyppeteer.connection import CDPSession from pyppeteer.coverage import Coverage from pyppeteer.element_handle import ElementHandle from pyppeteer.execution_context import JSHandle from pyppeteer.frame_manager import Frame from pyppeteer.input import Keyboard, Mouse, Touchscreen from pyppeteer.network_manager import Request, Response from pyppeteer.tracing import Tracing from pyppeteer.worker import Worker from pyppeteer.browser import Browser, Target """Page module.""" if TYPE_CHECKING: ... logger = ... class Page(EventEmitter): """Page class. This class provides methods to interact with a single tab of chrome. One :class:`~pyppeteer.browser.Browser` object might have multiple Page object. The :class:`Page` class emits various :attr:`~Page.Events` which can be handled by using ``on`` or ``once`` method, which is inherited from `pyee `_'s ``EventEmitter`` class. """ Events = ... PaperFormats: Dict[str, Dict[str, float]] = ... @staticmethod async def create(client: CDPSession, target: Target, ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool, defaultViewport: Optional[Dict], screenshotTaskQueue: list = ...) -> Page: """Async function which makes new page object.""" ... def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, target: Target, frameTree: Dict, ignoreHTTPSErrors: bool, screenshotTaskQueue: list = ...) -> None: ... @property def target(self) -> Target: """Return a target this page created from.""" ... @property def browser(self) -> Browser: """Get the browser the page belongs to.""" ... @property def mainFrame(self) -> Optional[Frame]: """Get main :class:`~pyppeteer.frame_manager.Frame` of this page.""" ... @property def keyboard(self) -> Keyboard: """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Keyboard` object.""" ... @property def touchscreen(self) -> Touchscreen: """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Touchscreen` object.""" ... @property def coverage(self) -> Coverage: """Return :class:`~pyppeteer.coverage.Coverage`.""" ... async def tap(self, selector: str) -> None: """Tap the element which matches the ``selector``. :arg str selector: A selector to search element to touch. """ ... @property def tracing(self) -> Tracing: """Get tracing object.""" ... @property def frames(self) -> List[Frame]: """Get all frames of this page.""" ... @property def workers(self) -> List[Worker]: """Get all workers of this page.""" ... async def setRequestInterception(self, value: bool) -> None: """Enable/disable request interception. Activating request interception enables :class:`~pyppeteer.network_manager.Request` class's :meth:`~pyppeteer.network_manager.Request.abort`, :meth:`~pyppeteer.network_manager.Request.continue_`, and :meth:`~pyppeteer.network_manager.Request.response` methods. This provides the capability to modify network requests that are made by a page. Once request interception is enabled, every request will stall unless it's continued, responded or aborted. An example of a native request interceptor that aborts all image requests: .. code:: python browser = await launch() page = await browser.newPage() await page.setRequestInterception(True) async def intercept(request): if request.url.endswith('.png') or request.url.endswith('.jpg'): await request.abort() else: await request.continue_() page.on('request', lambda req: asyncio.ensure_future(intercept(req))) await page.goto('https://example.com') await browser.close() """ ... async def setOfflineMode(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """Set offline mode enable/disable.""" ... def setDefaultNavigationTimeout(self, timeout: int) -> None: """Change the default maximum navigation timeout. This method changes the default timeout of 30 seconds for the following methods: * :meth:`goto` * :meth:`goBack` * :meth:`goForward` * :meth:`reload` * :meth:`waitForNavigation` :arg int timeout: Maximum navigation time in milliseconds. Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. """ ... async def querySelector(self, selector: str) -> Optional[ElementHandle]: """Get an Element which matches ``selector``. :arg str selector: A selector to search element. :return Optional[ElementHandle]: If element which matches the ``selector`` is found, return its :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle`. If not found, returns ``None``. """ ... async def evaluateHandle(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> JSHandle: """Execute function on this page. Difference between :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluate` and :meth:`~pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluateHandle` is that ``evaluateHandle`` returns JSHandle object (not value). :arg str pageFunction: JavaScript function to be executed. """ ... async def queryObjects(self, prototypeHandle: JSHandle) -> JSHandle: """Iterate js heap and finds all the objects with the handle. :arg JSHandle prototypeHandle: JSHandle of prototype object. """ ... async def querySelectorEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> Any: """Execute function with an element which matches ``selector``. :arg str selector: A selector to query page for. :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on browser. This function takes an element which matches the selector as a first argument. :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``. This method raises error if no element matched the ``selector``. """ ... async def querySelectorAllEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> Any: """Execute function with all elements which matches ``selector``. :arg str selector: A selector to query page for. :arg str pageFunction: String of JavaScript function to be evaluated on browser. This function takes Array of the matched elements as the first argument. :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``. """ ... async def querySelectorAll(self, selector: str) -> List[ElementHandle]: """Get all element which matches ``selector`` as a list. :arg str selector: A selector to search element. :return List[ElementHandle]: List of :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle` which matches the ``selector``. If no element is matched to the ``selector``, return empty list. """ ... async def xpath(self, expression: str) -> List[ElementHandle]: """Evaluate the XPath expression. If there are no such elements in this page, return an empty list. :arg str expression: XPath string to be evaluated. """ ... J = ... Jeval = ... JJ = ... JJeval = ... Jx = ... async def cookies(self, *urls: str) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]]]: """Get cookies. If no URLs are specified, this method returns cookies for the current page URL. If URLs are specified, only cookies for those URLs are returned. Returned cookies are list of dictionaries which contain these fields: * ``name`` (str) * ``value`` (str) * ``url`` (str) * ``domain`` (str) * ``path`` (str) * ``expires`` (number): Unix time in seconds * ``httpOnly`` (bool) * ``secure`` (bool) * ``session`` (bool) * ``sameSite`` (str): ``'Strict'`` or ``'Lax'`` """ ... async def deleteCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None: """Delete cookie. ``cookies`` should be dictionaries which contain these fields: * ``name`` (str): **required** * ``url`` (str) * ``domain`` (str) * ``path`` (str) * ``secure`` (bool) """ ... async def setCookie(self, *cookies: dict) -> None: """Set cookies. ``cookies`` should be dictionaries which contain these fields: * ``name`` (str): **required** * ``value`` (str): **required** * ``url`` (str) * ``domain`` (str) * ``path`` (str) * ``expires`` (number): Unix time in seconds * ``httpOnly`` (bool) * ``secure`` (bool) * ``sameSite`` (str): ``'Strict'`` or ``'Lax'`` """ ... async def addScriptTag(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: str) -> ElementHandle: """Add script tag to this page. One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary. * ``url`` (string): URL of a script to add. * ``path`` (string): Path to the local JavaScript file to add. * ``content`` (string): JavaScript string to add. * ``type`` (string): Script type. Use ``module`` in order to load a JavaScript ES6 module. :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle` of added tag. """ ... async def addStyleTag(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: str) -> ElementHandle: """Add style or link tag to this page. One of ``url``, ``path`` or ``content`` option is necessary. * ``url`` (string): URL of the link tag to add. * ``path`` (string): Path to the local CSS file to add. * ``content`` (string): CSS string to add. :return ElementHandle: :class:`~pyppeteer.element_handle.ElementHandle` of added tag. """ ... async def injectFile(self, filePath: str) -> str: """[Deprecated] Inject file to this page. This method is deprecated. Use :meth:`addScriptTag` instead. """ ... async def exposeFunction(self, name: str, pyppeteerFunction: Callable[..., Any]) -> None: """Add python function to the browser's ``window`` object as ``name``. Registered function can be called from chrome process. :arg string name: Name of the function on the window object. :arg Callable pyppeteerFunction: Function which will be called on python process. This function should not be asynchronous function. """ ... async def authenticate(self, credentials: Dict[str, str]) -> Any: """Provide credentials for http authentication. ``credentials`` should be ``None`` or dict which has ``username`` and ``password`` field. """ ... async def setExtraHTTPHeaders(self, headers: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """Set extra HTTP headers. The extra HTTP headers will be sent with every request the page initiates. .. note:: ``page.setExtraHTTPHeaders`` does not guarantee the order of headers in the outgoing requests. :arg Dict headers: A dictionary containing additional http headers to be sent with every requests. All header values must be string. """ ... async def setUserAgent(self, userAgent: str) -> None: """Set user agent to use in this page. :arg str userAgent: Specific user agent to use in this page """ ... async def metrics(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get metrics. Returns dictionary containing metrics as key/value pairs: * ``Timestamp`` (number): The timestamp when the metrics sample was taken. * ``Documents`` (int): Number of documents in the page. * ``Frames`` (int): Number of frames in the page. * ``JSEventListeners`` (int): Number of events in the page. * ``Nodes`` (int): Number of DOM nodes in the page. * ``LayoutCount`` (int): Total number of full partial page layout. * ``RecalcStyleCount`` (int): Total number of page style recalculations. * ``LayoutDuration`` (int): Combined duration of page duration. * ``RecalcStyleDuration`` (int): Combined duration of all page style recalculations. * ``ScriptDuration`` (int): Combined duration of JavaScript execution. * ``TaskDuration`` (int): Combined duration of all tasks performed by the browser. * ``JSHeapUsedSize`` (float): Used JavaScript heap size. * ``JSHeapTotalSize`` (float): Total JavaScript heap size. """ ... @property def url(self) -> str: """Get URL of this page.""" ... async def content(self) -> str: """Get the full HTML contents of the page. Returns HTML including the doctype. """ ... async def setContent(self, html: str) -> None: """Set content to this page. :arg str html: HTML markup to assign to the page. """ ... async def goto(self, url: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]: """Go to the ``url``. :arg string url: URL to navigate page to. The url should include scheme, e.g. ``https://``. Available options are: * ``timeout`` (int): Maximum navigation time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass ``0`` to disable timeout. The default value can be changed by using the :meth:`setDefaultNavigationTimeout` method. * ``waitUntil`` (str|List[str]): When to consider navigation succeeded, defaults to ``load``. Given a list of event strings, navigation is considered to be successful after all events have been fired. Events can be either: * ``load``: when ``load`` event is fired. * ``domcontentloaded``: when the ``DOMContentLoaded`` event is fired. * ``networkidle0``: when there are no more than 0 network connections for at least 500 ms. * ``networkidle2``: when there are no more than 2 network connections for at least 500 ms. The ``Page.goto`` will raise errors if: * there's an SSL error (e.g. in case of self-signed certificates) * target URL is invalid * the ``timeout`` is exceeded during navigation * then main resource failed to load .. note:: :meth:`goto` either raise error or return a main resource response. The only exceptions are navigation to ``about:blank`` or navigation to the same URL with a different hash, which would succeed and return ``None``. .. note:: Headless mode doesn't support navigation to a PDF document. """ ... async def reload(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]: """Reload this page. Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method. """ ... async def waitForNavigation(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]: """Wait for navigation. Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method. This returns :class:`~pyppeteer.network_manager.Response` when the page navigates to a new URL or reloads. It is useful for when you run code which will indirectly cause the page to navigate. In case of navigation to a different anchor or navigation due to `History API `_ usage, the navigation will return ``None``. Consider this example: .. code:: navigationPromise = async.ensure_future(page.waitForNavigation()) await page.click('a.my-link') # indirectly cause a navigation await navigationPromise # wait until navigation finishes or, .. code:: await asyncio.wait([ page.click('a.my-link'), page.waitForNavigation(), ]) .. note:: Usage of the History API to change the URL is considered a navigation. """ ... async def waitForRequest(self, urlOrPredicate: Union[str, Callable[[Request], bool]], options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Request: """Wait for request. :arg urlOrPredicate: A URL or function to wait for. This method accepts below options: * ``timeout`` (int|float): Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass ``0`` to disable the timeout. Example: .. code:: firstRequest = await page.waitForRequest('http://example.com/resource') finalRequest = await page.waitForRequest(lambda req: req.url == 'http://example.com' and req.method == 'GET') return firstRequest.url """ ... async def waitForResponse(self, urlOrPredicate: Union[str, Callable[[Response], bool]], options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Response: """Wait for response. :arg urlOrPredicate: A URL or function to wait for. This method accepts below options: * ``timeout`` (int|float): Maximum wait time in milliseconds, defaults to 30 seconds, pass ``0`` to disable the timeout. Example: .. code:: firstResponse = await page.waitForResponse('http://example.com/resource') finalResponse = await page.waitForResponse(lambda res: res.url == 'http://example.com' and res.status == 200) return finalResponse.ok """ ... async def goBack(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]: """Navigate to the previous page in history. Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method. If cannot go back, return ``None``. """ ... async def goForward(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Optional[Response]: """Navigate to the next page in history. Available options are same as :meth:`goto` method. If cannot go forward, return ``None``. """ ... async def bringToFront(self) -> None: """Bring page to front (activate tab).""" ... async def emulate(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Emulate given device metrics and user agent. This method is a shortcut for calling two methods: * :meth:`setUserAgent` * :meth:`setViewport` ``options`` is a dictionary containing these fields: * ``viewport`` (dict) * ``width`` (int): page width in pixels. * ``height`` (int): page width in pixels. * ``deviceScaleFactor`` (float): Specify device scale factor (can be thought as dpr). Defaults to 1. * ``isMobile`` (bool): Whether the ``meta viewport`` tag is taken into account. Defaults to ``False``. * ``hasTouch`` (bool): Specifies if viewport supports touch events. Defaults to ``False``. * ``isLandscape`` (bool): Specifies if viewport is in landscape mode. Defaults to ``False``. * ``userAgent`` (str): user agent string. """ ... async def setJavaScriptEnabled(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """Set JavaScript enable/disable.""" ... async def setBypassCSP(self, enabled: bool) -> None: """Toggles bypassing page's Content-Security-Policy. .. note:: CSP bypassing happens at the moment of CSP initialization rather then evaluation. Usually this means that ``page.setBypassCSP`` should be called before navigating to the domain. """ ... async def emulateMedia(self, mediaType: str = ...) -> None: """Emulate css media type of the page. :arg str mediaType: Changes the CSS media type of the page. The only allowed values are ``'screen'``, ``'print'``, and ``None``. Passing ``None`` disables media emulation. """ ... async def setViewport(self, viewport: dict) -> None: """Set viewport. Available options are: * ``width`` (int): page width in pixel. * ``height`` (int): page height in pixel. * ``deviceScaleFactor`` (float): Default to 1.0. * ``isMobile`` (bool): Default to ``False``. * ``hasTouch`` (bool): Default to ``False``. * ``isLandscape`` (bool): Default to ``False``. """ ... @property def viewport(self) -> Optional[Dict]: """Get viewport as a dictionary or None. Fields of returned dictionary is same as :meth:`setViewport`. """ ... async def evaluate(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any, force_expr: bool = ...) -> Any: """Execute js-function or js-expression on browser and get result. :arg str pageFunction: String of js-function/expression to be executed on the browser. :arg bool force_expr: If True, evaluate `pageFunction` as expression. If False (default), try to automatically detect function or expression. note: ``force_expr`` option is a keyword only argument. """ ... async def evaluateOnNewDocument(self, pageFunction: str, *args: str) -> None: """Add a JavaScript function to the document. This function would be invoked in one of the following scenarios: * whenever the page is navigated * whenever the child frame is attached or navigated. In this case, the function is invoked in the context of the newly attached frame. """ ... async def setCacheEnabled(self, enabled: bool = ...) -> None: """Enable/Disable cache for each request. By default, caching is enabled. """ ... async def screenshot(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Union[bytes, str]: """Take a screen shot. The following options are available: * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the image to. The screenshot type will be inferred from the file extension. * ``type`` (str): Specify screenshot type, can be either ``jpeg`` or ``png``. Defaults to ``png``. * ``quality`` (int): The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to ``png`` image. * ``fullPage`` (bool): When true, take a screenshot of the full scrollable page. Defaults to ``False``. * ``clip`` (dict): An object which specifies clipping region of the page. This option should have the following fields: * ``x`` (int): x-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area. * ``y`` (int): y-coordinate of top-left corner of clip area. * ``width`` (int): width of clipping area. * ``height`` (int): height of clipping area. * ``omitBackground`` (bool): Hide default white background and allow capturing screenshot with transparency. * ``encoding`` (str): The encoding of the image, can be either ``'base64'`` or ``'binary'``. Defaults to ``'binary'``. """ ... async def pdf(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> bytes: """Generate a pdf of the page. Options: * ``path`` (str): The file path to save the PDF. * ``scale`` (float): Scale of the webpage rendering, defaults to ``1``. * ``displayHeaderFooter`` (bool): Display header and footer. Defaults to ``False``. * ``headerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print header. Should be valid HTML markup with following classes. * ``date``: formatted print date * ``title``: document title * ``url``: document location * ``pageNumber``: current page number * ``totalPages``: total pages in the document * ``footerTemplate`` (str): HTML template for the print footer. Should use the same template as ``headerTemplate``. * ``printBackground`` (bool): Print background graphics. Defaults to ``False``. * ``landscape`` (bool): Paper orientation. Defaults to ``False``. * ``pageRanges`` (string): Paper ranges to print, e.g., '1-5,8,11-13'. Defaults to empty string, which means all pages. * ``format`` (str): Paper format. If set, takes priority over ``width`` or ``height``. Defaults to ``Letter``. * ``width`` (str): Paper width, accepts values labeled with units. * ``height`` (str): Paper height, accepts values labeled with units. * ``margin`` (dict): Paper margins, defaults to ``None``. * ``top`` (str): Top margin, accepts values labeled with units. * ``right`` (str): Right margin, accepts values labeled with units. * ``bottom`` (str): Bottom margin, accepts values labeled with units. * ``left`` (str): Left margin, accepts values labeled with units. * ``preferCSSPageSize``: Give any CSS ``@page`` size declared in the page priority over what is declared in ``width`` and ``height`` or ``format`` options. Defaults to ``False``, which will scale the content to fit the paper size. :return: Return generated PDF ``bytes`` object. .. note:: Generating a pdf is currently only supported in headless mode. :meth:`pdf` generates a pdf of the page with ``print`` css media. To generate a pdf with ``screen`` media, call ``page.emulateMedia('screen')`` before calling :meth:`pdf`. .. note:: By default, :meth:`pdf` generates a pdf with modified colors for printing. Use the ``--webkit-print-color-adjust`` property to force rendering of exact colors. .. code:: await page.emulateMedia('screen') await page.pdf({'path': 'page.pdf'}) The ``width``, ``height``, and ``margin`` options accept values labeled with units. Unlabeled values are treated as pixels. A few examples: - ``page.pdf({'width': 100})``: prints with width set to 100 pixels. - ``page.pdf({'width': '100px'})``: prints with width set to 100 pixels. - ``page.pdf({'width': '10cm'})``: prints with width set to 100 centimeters. All available units are: - ``px``: pixel - ``in``: inch - ``cm``: centimeter - ``mm``: millimeter The format options are: - ``Letter``: 8.5in x 11in - ``Legal``: 8.5in x 14in - ``Tabloid``: 11in x 17in - ``Ledger``: 17in x 11in - ``A0``: 33.1in x 46.8in - ``A1``: 23.4in x 33.1in - ``A2``: 16.5in x 23.4in - ``A3``: 11.7in x 16.5in - ``A4``: 8.27in x 11.7in - ``A5``: 5.83in x 8.27in - ``A6``: 4.13in x 5.83in .. note:: ``headerTemplate`` and ``footerTemplate`` markup have the following limitations: 1. Script tags inside templates are not evaluated. 2. Page styles are not visible inside templates. """ ... async def plainText(self) -> str: """[Deprecated] Get page content as plain text.""" ... async def title(self) -> str: """Get page's title.""" ... async def close(self, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Close this page. Available options: * ``runBeforeUnload`` (bool): Defaults to ``False``. Whether to run the `before unload `_ page handlers. By defaults, :meth:`close` **does not** run beforeunload handlers. .. note:: If ``runBeforeUnload`` is passed as ``True``, a ``beforeunload`` dialog might be summoned and should be handled manually via page's ``dialog`` event. """ ... def isClosed(self) -> bool: """Indicate that the page has been closed.""" ... @property def mouse(self) -> Mouse: """Get :class:`~pyppeteer.input.Mouse` object.""" ... async def click(self, selector: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Click element which matches ``selector``. This method fetches an element with ``selector``, scrolls it into view if needed, and then uses :attr:`mouse` to click in the center of the element. If there's no element matching ``selector``, the method raises ``PageError``. Available options are: * ``button`` (str): ``left``, ``right``, or ``middle``, defaults to ``left``. * ``clickCount`` (int): defaults to 1. * ``delay`` (int|float): Time to wait between ``mousedown`` and ``mouseup`` in milliseconds. defaults to 0. .. note:: If this method triggers a navigation event and there's a separate :meth:`waitForNavigation`, you may end up with a race condition that yields unexpected results. The correct pattern for click and wait for navigation is the following:: await asyncio.gather( page.waitForNavigation(waitOptions), page.click(selector, clickOptions), ) """ ... async def hover(self, selector: str) -> None: """Mouse hover the element which matches ``selector``. If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``. """ ... async def focus(self, selector: str) -> None: """Focus the element which matches ``selector``. If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``. """ ... async def select(self, selector: str, *values: str) -> List[str]: """Select options and return selected values. If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``ElementHandleError``. """ ... async def type(self, selector: str, text: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Type ``text`` on the element which matches ``selector``. If no element matched the ``selector``, raise ``PageError``. Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.input.Keyboard.type`. """ ... def waitFor(self, selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Union[str, int, float], options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable: """Wait for function, timeout, or element which matches on page. This method behaves differently with respect to the first argument: * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is number (int or float), then it is treated as a timeout in milliseconds and this returns future which will be done after the timeout. * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a string of JavaScript function, this method is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForFunction`. * If ``selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`` is a selector string or xpath string, this method is a shortcut to :meth:`waitForSelector` or :meth:`waitForXPath`. If the string starts with ``//``, the string is treated as xpath. Pyppeteer tries to automatically detect function or selector, but sometimes miss-detects. If not work as you expected, use :meth:`waitForFunction` or :meth:`waitForSelector` directly. :arg selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: A selector, xpath, or function string, or timeout (milliseconds). :arg Any args: Arguments to pass the function. :return: Return awaitable object which resolves to a JSHandle of the success value. Available options: see :meth:`waitForFunction` or :meth:`waitForSelector` """ ... def waitForSelector(self, selector: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable: """Wait until element which matches ``selector`` appears on page. Wait for the ``selector`` to appear in page. If at the moment of calling the method the ``selector`` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the selector doesn't appear after the ``timeout`` milliseconds of waiting, the function will raise error. :arg str selector: A selector of an element to wait for. :return: Return awaitable object which resolves when element specified by selector string is added to DOM. This method accepts the following options: * ``visible`` (bool): Wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible; i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``hidden`` (bool): Wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``timeout`` (int|float): Maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. """ ... def waitForXPath(self, xpath: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable: """Wait until element which matches ``xpath`` appears on page. Wait for the ``xpath`` to appear in page. If the moment of calling the method the ``xpath`` already exists, the method will return immediately. If the xpath doesn't appear after ``timeout`` milliseconds of waiting, the function will raise exception. :arg str xpath: A [xpath] of an element to wait for. :return: Return awaitable object which resolves when element specified by xpath string is added to DOM. Available options are: * ``visible`` (bool): wait for element to be present in DOM and to be visible, i.e. to not have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``hidden`` (bool): wait for element to not be found in the DOM or to be hidden, i.e. have ``display: none`` or ``visibility: hidden`` CSS properties. Defaults to ``False``. * ``timeout`` (int|float): maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. """ ... def waitForFunction(self, pageFunction: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., *args: str, **kwargs: Any) -> Awaitable: """Wait until the function completes and returns a truthy value. :arg Any args: Arguments to pass to ``pageFunction``. :return: Return awaitable object which resolves when the ``pageFunction`` returns a truthy value. It resolves to a :class:`~pyppeteer.execution_context.JSHandle` of the truthy value. This method accepts the following options: * ``polling`` (str|number): An interval at which the ``pageFunction`` is executed, defaults to ``raf``. If ``polling`` is a number, then it is treated as an interval in milliseconds at which the function would be executed. If ``polling`` is a string, then it can be one of the following values: * ``raf``: to constantly execute ``pageFunction`` in ``requestAnimationFrame`` callback. This is the tightest polling mode which is suitable to observe styling changes. * ``mutation``: to execute ``pageFunction`` on every DOM mutation. * ``timeout`` (int|float): maximum time to wait for in milliseconds. Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds). Pass ``0`` to disable timeout. """ ... supportedMetrics = ... unitToPixels = ... def convertPrintParameterToInches(parameter: Union[None, int, float, str]) -> Optional[float]: """Convert print parameter to inches.""" ... class ConsoleMessage: """Console message class. ConsoleMessage objects are dispatched by page via the ``console`` event. """ def __init__(self, type: str, text: str, args: List[JSHandle] = ...) -> None: ... @property def type(self) -> str: """Return type of this message.""" ... @property def text(self) -> str: """Return text representation of this message.""" ... @property def args(self) -> List[JSHandle]: """Return list of args (JSHandle) of this message.""" ...