
271 lines
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This type stub file was generated by pyright.
import asyncio
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Union
from pyee import EventEmitter
from pyppeteer.connection import CDPSession
from pyppeteer.element_handle import ElementHandle
from pyppeteer.execution_context import ExecutionContext, JSHandle
"""Frame Manager module."""
logger = ...
class FrameManager(EventEmitter):
"""FrameManager class."""
Events = ...
def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, frameTree: Dict, page: Any) -> None:
"""Make new frame manager."""
def mainFrame(self) -> Optional[Frame]:
"""Return main frame."""
def frames(self) -> List[Frame]:
"""Return all frames."""
def frame(self, frameId: str) -> Optional[Frame]:
"""Return :class:`Frame` of ``frameId``."""
def executionContextById(self, contextId: str) -> ExecutionContext:
"""Get stored ``ExecutionContext`` by ``id``."""
def createJSHandle(self, context: ExecutionContext, remoteObject: Dict = ...) -> JSHandle:
"""Create JS handle associated to the context id and remote object."""
class Frame:
"""Frame class.
Frame objects can be obtained via :attr:`pyppeteer.page.Page.mainFrame`.
def __init__(self, client: CDPSession, parentFrame: Optional[Frame], frameId: str) -> None:
async def executionContext(self) -> Optional[ExecutionContext]:
"""Return execution context of this frame.
Return :class:`~pyppeteer.execution_context.ExecutionContext`
associated to this frame.
async def evaluateHandle(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> JSHandle:
"""Execute function on this frame.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluateHandle`.
async def evaluate(self, pageFunction: str, *args: Any, force_expr: bool = ...) -> Any:
"""Evaluate pageFunction on this frame.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.evaluate`.
async def querySelector(self, selector: str) -> Optional[ElementHandle]:
"""Get element which matches `selector` string.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.querySelector`.
async def xpath(self, expression: str) -> List[ElementHandle]:
"""Evaluate the XPath expression.
If there are no such elements in this frame, return an empty list.
:arg str expression: XPath string to be evaluated.
async def querySelectorEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> Any:
"""Execute function on element which matches selector.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.querySelectorEval`.
async def querySelectorAllEval(self, selector: str, pageFunction: str, *args: Any) -> Optional[Dict]:
"""Execute function on all elements which matches selector.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.querySelectorAllEval`.
async def querySelectorAll(self, selector: str) -> List[ElementHandle]:
"""Get all elements which matches `selector`.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.querySelectorAll`.
J = ...
Jx = ...
Jeval = ...
JJ = ...
JJeval = ...
async def content(self) -> str:
"""Get the whole HTML contents of the page."""
async def setContent(self, html: str) -> None:
"""Set content to this page."""
def name(self) -> str:
"""Get frame name."""
def url(self) -> str:
"""Get url of the frame."""
def parentFrame(self) -> Optional[Frame]:
"""Get parent frame.
If this frame is main frame or detached frame, return ``None``.
def childFrames(self) -> List[Frame]:
"""Get child frames."""
def isDetached(self) -> bool:
"""Return ``True`` if this frame is detached.
Otherwise return ``False``.
async def injectFile(self, filePath: str) -> str:
"""[Deprecated] Inject file to the frame."""
async def addScriptTag(self, options: Dict) -> ElementHandle:
"""Add script tag to this frame.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.addScriptTag`.
async def addStyleTag(self, options: Dict) -> ElementHandle:
"""Add style tag to this frame.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.addStyleTag`.
async def click(self, selector: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Click element which matches ``selector``.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.click`.
async def focus(self, selector: str) -> None:
"""Focus element which matches ``selector``.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.focus`.
async def hover(self, selector: str) -> None:
"""Mouse hover the element which matches ``selector``.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.hover`.
async def select(self, selector: str, *values: str) -> List[str]:
"""Select options and return selected values.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.select`.
async def tap(self, selector: str) -> None:
"""Tap the element which matches the ``selector``.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.tap`.
async def type(self, selector: str, text: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> None:
"""Type ``text`` on the element which matches ``selector``.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.type`.
def waitFor(self, selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout: Union[str, int, float], options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Union[Awaitable, WaitTask]:
"""Wait until `selectorOrFunctionOrTimeout`.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.waitFor`.
def waitForSelector(self, selector: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> WaitTask:
"""Wait until element which matches ``selector`` appears on page.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.waitForSelector`.
def waitForXPath(self, xpath: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., **kwargs: Any) -> WaitTask:
"""Wait until element which matches ``xpath`` appears on page.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.waitForXPath`.
def waitForFunction(self, pageFunction: str, options: Dict[str, Any] = ..., *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> WaitTask:
"""Wait until the function completes.
Details see :meth:`pyppeteer.page.Page.waitForFunction`.
async def title(self) -> str:
"""Get title of the frame."""
class WaitTask:
"""WaitTask class.
Instance of this class is awaitable.
def __init__(self, frame: Frame, predicateBody: str, title: str, polling: Union[str, int], timeout: float, loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, *args: Any) -> None:
def __await__(self) -> Generator:
"""Make this class **awaitable**."""
def terminate(self, error: Exception) -> None:
"""Terminate this task."""
async def rerun(self) -> None:
"""Start polling."""
waitForPredicatePageFunction = ...