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2 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
1da080f18d | |||
2bb7c431b3 |
2 changed files with 367 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
Pygments Nightfox style
Palette from:
:copyright: Copyright 2023 by kujiu, EdenEast
:license: MIT, see LICENSE for details.
from import Style
from pygments.token import Keyword, Name, Other, Comment, String, Error, Number, \
Operator, Generic, Whitespace, Punctuation, Escape, Literal, Text, Token
from typing import Dict, Any
# Normal
NFOX_BLACK = "#393b44"
NFOX_RED = "#c94f6d"
NFOX_GREEN = "#81b29a"
NFOX_YELLOW = "#dbc074"
NFOX_BLUE = "#719cd6"
NFOX_MAGENTA = "#9d79d6"
NFOX_CYAN = "#63cdcf"
NFOX_WHITE = "#dfdfe0"
NFOX_ORANGE = "#f4a261"
NFOX_PINK = "#d67ad2"
NFOX_COMMENT = "#738091"
NFOX_BG0 = "#131a24"
NFOX_BG1 = "#192330"
NFOX_BG2 = "#212e3f"
NFOX_BG3 = "#29394f"
NFOX_BG4 = "#39506d"
NFOX_FG0 = "#d6d6d7"
NFOX_FG1 = "#cdcecf"
NFOX_FG2 = "#aeafb0"
NFOX_FG3 = "#71839b"
NFOX_SEL0 = "#2b3b51"
NFOX_SEL1 = "#3c5372"
# Darker
NFOX_BLACK_D = "#13151e"
NFOX_RED_D = "#a32947"
NFOX_GREEN_D = "#5b8c74"
NFOX_YELLOW_D = "#b59a4e"
NFOX_BLUE_D = "#4b76b0"
NFOX_MAGENTA_D = "#7753b0"
NFOX_CYAN_D = "#3da7a9"
NFOX_WHITE_D = "#b9b9ba"
NFOX_ORANGE_D = "#ce7c3b"
NFOX_PINK_D = "#b054ac"
NFOX_BLACK_L = "#5F616A"
NFOX_RED_L = "#ef7593"
NFOX_GREEN_L = "#9bccb4"
NFOX_YELLOW_L = "#ffe69a"
NFOX_BLUE_L = "#97c2fc"
NFOX_MAGENTA_L = "#eac6ff"
NFOX_CYAN_L = "#89f3f5"
NFOX_WHITE_L = "#ffffff"
NFOX_ORANGE_L = "#ffc887"
NFOX_PINK_L = "#fca0f8"
def get_styles(background_color: str) -> Dict[Any, str]:
return {
Comment.Hashbang: NFOX_FG2,
Comment.Multiline: NFOX_COMMENT,
Comment.Preproc: NFOX_PINK_L,
Comment.PreprocFile: NFOX_PINK_L,
Comment.Single: NFOX_COMMENT,
Comment.Special: NFOX_COMMENT + " bold",
Error: NFOX_RED,
Escape: NFOX_RED_L,
Generic.Deleted: NFOX_RED,
Generic.Emph: "italic",
Generic.Error: NFOX_RED,
Generic.Heading: "bold " + NFOX_CYAN,
Generic.Inserted: NFOX_GREEN,
Generic.Output: NFOX_FG1,
Generic.Prompt: NFOX_BLUE,
Generic.Strong: "bold",
Generic.Subheading: "italic " + NFOX_GREEN,
Generic.Traceback: NFOX_RED_D,
Generic.Underline: "underline",
Generic: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
Keyword.Constant: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Keyword.Declaration: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Keyword.Namespace: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Keyword.Pseudo: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Keyword.Reserved: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Keyword.Type: NFOX_YELLOW,
Literal.Date: NFOX_GREEN_D,
Literal: NFOX_GREEN_D,
Name.Attribute: NFOX_BLUE,
Name.BackslashReference: NFOX_ORANGE,
Name.Builtin.Articulation: NFOX_CYAN_L,
Name.Builtin.Clef: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Name.Builtin.Context: "bold " + NFOX_CYAN_L,
Name.Builtin.ContextProperty: NFOX_CYAN,
Name.Builtin.Dynamic: NFOX_ORANGE_L,
Name.Builtin.Grob: "bold " + NFOX_RED_L,
Name.Builtin.GrobProperty: NFOX_ORANGE,
Name.Builtin.HeaderVariable: NFOX_ORANGE_L,
Name.Builtin.MarkupCommand: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Builtin.MusicCommand: NFOX_MAGENTA,
Name.Builtin.MusicFunction: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Builtin.PaperVariable: NFOX_CYAN_L,
Name.Builtin.Pseudo: NFOX_CYAN_L,
Name.Builtin.RepeatType: NFOX_ORANGE_L,
Name.Builtin.Scale: NFOX_RED_L,
Name.Builtin.SchemeBuiltin: "bold " + NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Builtin.SchemeFunction: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Builtin.Translator: NFOX_ORANGE_L,
Name.Builtin: NFOX_CYAN_L,
Name.Class: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Constant: NFOX_ORANGE_L,
Name.Decorator: NFOX_PINK,
Name.Entity: NFOX_GREEN,
Name.Exception: NFOX_RED,
Name.Function.Magic: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Function: NFOX_BLUE_L,
Name.Label: NFOX_WHITE,
Name.Lvalue: NFOX_GREEN,
Name.Namespace: NFOX_WHITE,
Name.Other: NFOX_FG1,
Name.Property: NFOX_BLUE,
Name.Variable.Class: NFOX_WHITE,
Name.Variable.Global: NFOX_WHITE,
Name.Variable.Instance: NFOX_ORANGE,
Name.Variable.Magic: NFOX_RED,
Name.Variable: NFOX_WHITE,
Number.Bin: NFOX_ORANGE_D,
Number.Float: NFOX_ORANGE,
Number.Hex: NFOX_ORANGE_D,
Number.Integer.Long: NFOX_ORANGE,
Number.Integer: NFOX_ORANGE,
Number.Oct: NFOX_ORANGE,
Operator.Word: NFOX_FG2,
Operator: NFOX_FG2,
Other: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
String.Affix: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Backtick: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Char: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Delimiter: NFOX_GREEN_D,
String.Doc: NFOX_GREEN_L,
String.Double: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Escape: NFOX_GREEN_D,
String.Heredoc: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Interpol: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Other: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Regex: NFOX_YELLOW_L,
String.Single: NFOX_GREEN,
String.Symbol: NFOX_GREEN_D,
Text: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
Token: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
Text.Whitespace: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
Whitespace: NFOX_FG1 + " bg:" + background_color,
Punctuation.Marker: NFOX_FG2,
Punctuation: NFOX_FG2,
Token.Pitch: NFOX_BLUE,
Token.ChordModifier: NFOX_ORANGE,
#Special tokens for customized IPython Prompt
Token.IPython.Prompt.Login: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_CYAN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Login.Sep: NFOX_CYAN + " bg:" + NFOX_BLUE,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Host: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_BLUE,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Host.Sep: NFOX_BLUE + " bg:" + NFOX_FG3,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Venv: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_FG3,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Venv.Sep: NFOX_FG3 + " bg:" + NFOX_GREEN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Version: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_GREEN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Version.Sep: "bg: " + NFOX_GREEN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Cwd: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_GREEN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Cwd.Sep: NFOX_GREEN + " bg:" + NFOX_BG2,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Vcs: NFOX_ORANGE + " bg:" + NFOX_BG2,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Vcs.Sep: "bg: " + NFOX_BG2,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Mode: NFOX_BG0 + " bg:" + NFOX_GREEN,
Token.IPython.Prompt.Mode.Sep: "bg: " + NFOX_GREEN,
class NightfoxStyle(Style):
Pygments Nightfox Style
line_number_color = NFOX_FG3
line_number_background_color = NFOX_BG2
line_number_special_color = NFOX_SEL0
line_number_special_background_color = NFOX_SEL1
background_color = NFOX_BG1
highlight_color = NFOX_SEL0
styles = get_styles(background_color)
class NightfoxTransparentStyle(Style):
Pygments Nightfox Style with transparent background
line_number_color = NFOX_FG3
line_number_background_color = NFOX_BG2
line_number_special_color = NFOX_SEL0
line_number_special_background_color = NFOX_SEL1
background_color = "transparent"
highlight_color = NFOX_SEL0
styles = get_styles("")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
requires = ["flit_core>=3.2"]
build-backend = "flit_core.buildapi"
name = "pygments_nightfox_style"
version = "1.0.0"
requires-python = ">=3.8"
dependencies = [
license = {text = "MIT"}
authors = [
{name = "Nerv Project ASBL", email = ""},
{name = "kujiu"},
{name = "ptitgnu"}
maintainers = [
{name = "Nerv Project ASBL", email = ""},
{name = "kujiu"},
{name = "ptitgnu"}
description = "Nightfox pigments theme based on nightfox.vim (by EdenEast)"
readme = {file = "README.rst", content-type = "text/x-rst"}
keywords=["pygments", "nightfox", "style"]
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Topic :: Documentation",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Documentation",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
homepage = ""
repository = ""
issues = ""
editor = ""
changelog = ""
tests = [
setup = [
nightfox = "pygments_nightfox_style:NightfoxStyle"
nightfox_transparent = "pygments_nightfox_style:NightfoxTransparentStyle"
minversion = "6.0"
addopts = "-ra -q"
testpaths = [
include = [
analyzeUnannotatedFunctions = true
deprecateTypingAliases = true
enableExperimentalFeatures = false
enableTypeIgnoreComments = false
reportAssertAlwaysTrue = "warning"
reportCallInDefaultInitializer = "information"
reportConstantRedefinition = "warning"
reportDeprecated = "warning"
reportDuplicateImport = "warning"
reportFunctionMemberAccess = "warning"
reportGeneralTypeIssues = "error"
reportImplicitOverride = "warning"
reportImplicitStringConcatenation = "information"
reportImportCycles = "error"
reportIncompatibleMethodOverride = "warning"
reportIncompatibleVariableOverride = "warning"
reportIncompleteStub = "warning"
reportInconsistentConstructor = "warning"
reportInvalidStringEscapeSequence = "error"
reportInvalidStubStatement = "warning"
reportInvalidTypeVarUse = "warning"
reportMatchNotExhaustive = "warning"
reportMissingImports = "error"
reportMissingModuleSource = "warning"
reportMissingParameterType = "error"
reportMissingSuperCall = "warning"
reportMissingTypeArgument = "error"
reportMissingTypeStubs = "warning"
reportOptionalCall = "error"
reportOptionalContextManager = "error"
reportOptionalIterable = "error"
reportOptionalMemberAccess = "error"
reportOptionalOperand = "error"
reportOptionalSubscript = "error"
reportOverlappingOverload = "warning"
reportPrivateImportUsage = "error"
reportPrivateUsage = "warning"
reportPropertyTypeMismatch = "error"
reportSelfClsParameterName = "error"
reportShadowedImports = "warning"
reportTypeCommentUsage = "warning"
reportTypedDictNotRequiredAccess = "error"
reportUnboundVariable = "error"
reportUndefinedVariable = "error"
reportUninitializedInstanceVariable = "warning"
reportUnknownArgumentType = "error"
reportUnknownLambdaType = "error"
reportUnknownMemberType = "error"
reportUnknownParameterType = "error"
reportUnknownVariableType = "error"
reportUnnecessaryCast = "warning"
reportUnnecessaryComparison = "warning"
reportUnnecessaryContains = "warning"
reportUnnecessaryIsInstance = "warning"
reportUnnecessaryTypeIgnoreComment = "warning"
reportUnsupportedDunderAll = "warning"
reportUntypedBaseClass = "error"
reportUntypedClassDecorator = "error"
reportUntypedFunctionDecorator = "error"
reportUntypedNamedTuple = "error"
reportUnusedCallResult = "warning"
reportUnusedClass = "information"
reportUnusedCoroutine = "error"
reportUnusedExpression = "warning"
reportUnusedFunction = "information"
reportUnusedImport = "information"
reportUnusedVariable = "warning"
reportWildcardImportFromLibrary = "error"
strictDictionaryInference = true
strictListInference = true
strictParameterNoneValue = true
strictSetInference = true
Reference in a new issue