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Sphinx NervProject Theme
A modern responsive theme for python's `Sphinx <http://www.sphinx-doc.org>`_ documentation generator based on
sphinx_press_theme and ablog.
This theme is based on `VuePress <https://vuepress.vuejs.org/>`_.
It uses `Vue.js <https://vuejs.org/>`_ and LessCSS managed by
`webpack <https://webpack.js.org>`_ through `vue-cli <https://cli.vuejs.org/>`_.
On Sphinx project's `conf.py`: set the theme name to `nervproject`.
.. code:: python
html_theme = "nervproject"
See details on `Sphinx theming docs <http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/theming.html#using-a-theme>`_.
First build web assets:
.. code:: bash
cd ui
npm run build
Sphinx theme has a soft link to built assets...
Install theme locally with `pip install -e .`.
`docs` folder contains theme's own documentantion.
.. code:: bash
cd docs
make clean; make html
To update website:
.. code:: bash
cd ../press_site
rsync -rvi ../sphinx_vuepress_theme/docs/build/html/ .
git add --all
This theme needs CSS vars enabled in the browser, so
it doesn't work on IE. Four color variations are
available :
- light low contrast (default) ;
- light high contrast ;
- dark low contrast ;
- dark high contrast.
The good one is used based on prefers-contrast and
prefers-color-scheme media queries. This is automatically
done by a compatible browser. If not, the default theme
is used. Some browsers need manual configuration like
Chromium on Linux (a flag to enable for all websites).
See the `Nerv Project's web site <https://www.nerv-project.eu>`_