2020-05-07 17:33:05 +02:00

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Custom signals

(Formerly known as Right-mouse-button behavior)

Escoria provides sane defaults for the right mouse button.

Right-clicking on an inventory item looks at it.

You can also configure escoria/ui/right_mouse_button_action_menu and follow the instructions in the HUD document. You get an action menu that opens on a right-click.

What if you want more out of the button? Say you want to highlight items or disable the "Use Ratchet with Cow" action.

Node structure

game must still be the lowermost node in your scene tree. However, it may have a child of type Node.

This child is named signal_script because it only hosts the script where you implement your behavior. You do not want to attempt scripting signals without a Node to bind to; see the connect() documentation. The target can not be self in a static script and things get real messy if you try to preload() something.


You may name your script however you want, like ui/rmb_hints.gd or ui/rmb_hide_tool.gd.

It requires only the _ready(): function, becase it will be the last added to the scene tree when loading. This means all the nodes and groups will be automagically available for your convenience.

Attach this script to $"game/signal_script".

Note that you do not have to attach it to the main game scene itself, if you're using a custom one. This is because you may want to have mini-games with different behavior. However, it is possible to attach it to your main game as well.


You have an example in device/demo/ui/rmb_hints.gd.

Another could look like this:

# Create a file like this in your game to define right-mouse-button
# behavior.

extends Node

func hide_current_tool():
	var game = get_parent()

	if game.current_action == "use" and game.current_tool:
		get_tree().call_group_flags(SceneTree.GROUP_CALL_DEFAULT, "hud", "set_tooltip", "")

func _ready():
	for bg in get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("background"):
		bg.connect("right_click_on_bg", self, "hide_current_tool")