2020-05-07 17:33:05 +02:00

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There are two specific types of menus in Escoria. One is the "main menu" and the other is the "in-game menu".

These are defined in escoria/ui/in_game_menu and escoria/ui/main_menu.

The menu system is somewhat intricate and certainly not final or stable at the time of writing this. For example localization is quite lacking when textures are used for buttons.

Prior documentation

The documentation at flossmanuals is fairly well up to date, so you may use that as a reference as well.

Required nodes

Your base node must be Control.

You are free to use Container nodes to lay out your menu.

Attach ui/menu_button.gd or ui/menu_texturebutton.gd to your menu buttons and ui/lang_button.gd to your language-changing buttons.

The buttons' signal handlers are resolved dynamically. This means that you should name the buttons like

  • new_game
  • continue
  • exit
  • credits
  • instructions
  • save

The use of TextureButton is possible if you don't intend to switch locales. Sometime in the future we would like to support localized TextureButton buttons.

Optional nodes

If you want background music, add an AudioStreamPlayer by the name of stream and set a file in the bg_sound variable. It will play and loop automatically

Spawning menus

By default a menu is requested by hitting the escape button. You can configure this in the Input Map tab in your project settings.

The menu that opens up is the in-game menu.

The main menu is used only when starting the game.

Confirm popup

The structure similar to a regular menu. You have a base Control. Then one Control named after each locale; create one and call it "en" in doubt.

In these you can have eg. TextureRects called


Optionally you can use the ui/translated_label.gd or ui/translated_rtlabel.gd scripts to pull text from localization.

Which are hidden by default and shown on demand.

You must also have the following

  • yes
  • no

They must be visible, because they are your yes/no buttons.

The types on any of these don't matter, but their names do.

If you have multiple locales, hide the top locale-named nodes, all of them, or the code might pass the click to the wrong button and ignore it.

Any means of passing in messages to the confirmation popups has been deprecated as not being frameworky enough; that would require altering Escoria code for a scene that's created by the developer anyway.


You may configure a credits screen in escoria/ui/credits, and an end credits screen in escoria/ui/end_credits.

This is pretty free-form, but the simplest form is

  • credits (Control)
    • background (TextureRect)
    • menu (TextureRect)

Then you attach the globals/credits.gd script to the credits node and everything should work as expected.

You can use the same script for the end credits, but if you want eg. music there, you have to make a copy and edit that script. Or make it configurable and submit a pull request with changes and removal of this statement.

Protip: if you end your game on a fade out, you will not be able to see the end credits, as telon will have made it all black.

You will then make a copy of credits.gd for your game, call it end_credits.gd and attach that to credits. Then you'll add the following line to _ready():

get_tree().call_group("game", "telon_play_anim", "fade_in")